Chapter 119

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       The next day was accompanied by an uncomfortable soreness, but a greatly contrasting feeling of heightened resilience and greater magical power.

       As Eris woke up, Cedric was already awake.

       "What should I prepare for?" Cedric asked. Eris thought for a moment.

       "Stealth, lot's of stealth. Maybe a bit of combat, but we need to sneak back in. Also, we need food, I'm starving." Eris said. Cedric nodded and began meditating. After an hour, Cedric had finished, and he provided the group with food.

       "So, what's the plan?" Zerai asked.

       "We need to go back in. Ara' Sei was sent here to stop him, and we need to be in the city to do that." Eris explained.

       "How are we going to get in?" Ara' Sei asked.

       "I have that spell that lets me use plants to teleport. If we can find a large tree somewhere out here, as well as one in the city itself, I can teleport us." Cedric explained.

       "And once we're in? Remember, he did put out a hunt for us." Ara' Sei said.

       "I have spells prepared so that no one should be able to see us. Most likely, anyway." Cedric replied.

       "So, the plan is to find a tree... here. Then, it's to teleport in and not get caught." Zerai said apprehensively. Cedric nodded.

       "Zerai, do you have any other ideas?" Ara' Sei asked.

       "Unfortunately, no. But this plan has a lot of risks." He said.

       "I know." Cedric said.

       After the group finished their magically created breakfast, they began looking for a tree. Two hours of wandering the ocean of grass went by before Cedric spotted the faint outline of a tree in the distance. After approaching it close enough to see it, Cedric was satisfied.

       "What now?" Ara' Sei asked.

       "I am going to turn into a bird to look for a tree, or any other means of getting in." Cedric said. Then, he turned into a crow and flew towards Oarshear. After looking around, he was able to find a tree in one of the luxurious gardens near the center of the town.

       Cedric returned to the party to report his findings.

       "There's a way in, but it does put us near the center of the town." Cedric said.

       "That's fine, with your magic, we'll be able to find a way in tonight." Eris replied.

       The group navigated their way back to the tree that Cedric had found. It was just barely big enough for them to go through. Cedric was surprised that trees even grew here. The tree itself was around five miles away from the actual city, and the shape of Oarshear was faintly visible in the fading light of sunset. As the night fell, the group made their final preparations.

       "Okay, I'm going to cast a spell now that'll make it easier for us to remain unseen. Then, I'm going to open the doorway. Once we go through the doorway, we'll be in a garden. Once we get out of the garden, we can search for a safe haven." Cedric explained. The group nodded in agreement.

       Cedric placed his hand together and muttered an incantation. For a brief moment, an emerald glow surrounded the party, but then it faded. Then, after placing his hand on the tree and muttering another incantation, the outline of a door revealed itself, and the party rushed through.

       On the other side, the group found themselves in a well kept garden that could easily be mistaken for an orchard. The dark outlines of trees surrounded the group, and the dying sounds of the town could be heard in the distance. They were in, but now they had to find a place to stay. 

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