Chapter 121

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       The group froze, staying dead silent. Maybe if they make any more noise, the person would think they had misheard something.

       "You're the ones that man is looking for, aren't you." The person said. Ara' Sei was the first to rise up from her hiding spot.

       "Yes, we are." Ara' Sei said. The person gasped and pointed at Ara' Sei.

       "You... you're the one I saw!" The person said.

       "What?" Ara' Sei asked.

       "I've seen you... in a vision somewhere a while back. Why are you here now?" The person asked.

       "My name is Ara' Sei, I've come with my friends to stop the man known as Aaron Servilus. One of my friends suspects he is up to something." Ara' Sei said. The others walked from behind their hiding spots one by one.

        "As far as I know him, he's an arcanist who has gotten the favor of the Atheiran clerics within the city. Someone tried to kill him a few months ago." The person said.

       "That was me. He was my teacher, I know him well enough to know he isn't up to any good." Eris said.

       "He's been a political figure for years, why has he become so dangerous now?" The person asked.

       "He's acquired a wand that can fire off explosions." Cedric confessed.

       "That's bad news. My name is Roya, I am a cleric of Solan. I will help you fight this man." Roya said. They had long, black hair that was streaked with dark gray. They wore white robes, and they wore a golden crown upon their head with the symbol of Solan. A massive, golden sun.

       "It's good to meet you, Roya. These are my friends, Cedric, Ella, Eris, and Zerai." Ara' Sei said, pointing at each person respectively. Roya nodded in response.

       "Do not worry, you can hide here for now. Follow me." Roya said. They guided the group through the door they had taken. Below the cathedral were several bedrooms filled with bunk beds. Roya's crown glowed with magically generated light from Roya. Below the bedrooms was a large, hollow room. From the walls hung tools and ornaments used in special ceremonies.

       "It's no bedroom, but no one but me will check down here. Do any of you need to go out into the city for food?" Roya asked.

       "I can make food down here just fine." Cedric said.

       "I'm able to disguise myself and go out into the city. I can choose a different disguise every day. When should I leave here to go out?" Eris asked.

       "You're going to have to leave right as the sun is rising and come back when it's almost pitch dark. Any time the sun is out, this cathedral is open as a church to Solan. How long are you able to disguise yourself for?" Roya asked. Eris pondered for a moment.

       "About nine hours. But, I'll find somewhere in the town to hide, there are plenty of places for that." Eris said.

       "I can be an animal for twelve, I think I can go with you." Cedric said.

       "Is anyone else able to disguise or otherwise hide?" Roya asked. The group shook their heads.

       "I'm afraid the only time you can go outside then is when it's dark. I assume you have ways of sneaking around, after all I'm fairly certain there were two guards out there. What did you do to them?" Roya asked.

       "I distracted them with an illusion." Eris explained. Roya sighed.

       "Well, there not used to dealing with people as capable as yourselves sneaking in. Anyways, Eris and Cedric can leave. I'm not sure when the rest of you could leave during the day, but if things get dire, I'll let you all know." Roya said.

       "Thank you, Roya." Ara' Sei said. Roya nodded before leaving the chamber and closing the door. 

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