Chapter 128

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       The battle on the front lines continued. Ella parried countless strikes, but many others found purchase. She was rapidly covered with gashes. More of the church guards fell as more and more of them were swarmed. Crimson liquid began to pool across the stone floor of the cathedral from the countless corpses that now littered the ground. Smoke began to pour from the broken windows and into the dawn sky.

       Zerai leapt forward and cut down one of the warriors that had begun to advance further.

       Cedric pointed his hands in the middle of a horde of warriors and muttered an incantation. A small red light ignited, then turning into a ball of inferno. The orb of flames hovered a few feet off the ground, scorching nearby soldiers. Then, Cedric rammed it into one of the other warriors, quickly turning them into a blackened corpse.

       Ara' Sei raised her arm towards one of the warriors, and let the spear of flame strike them. Then, a blade of light struck the already burned opponent down to the floor.

       Roya began to approach the soldiers, and they muttered under their breath. Sunlight began to radiate from Ella, Roya, and Zerai, and their weapons glowed especially bright.

       Then, Cedric's eyes locked onto the bead of firelight flying across the massive chamber of the cathedral. Ara' Sei and Cedric were swallowed by the explosion. Having noticed it, Cedric was ready. But Ara' Sei was once again knocked to the floor. Covered in burns, she got up off the ground, barely able to stand from the dizzying heat.

       Eris began to quietly approach the door of the cathedral, when their eyes caught one of the Atheiran clerics. Then, they remembered the religious power the clerics had given to Aaron. They corrected their course, and slowly approached one of the Atheiran clerics.

       The church guardians began to fall back, and the horde pushed the group into an ever tighter corner. The Atheiran clerics slowly advanced behind, and Eris followed both of them slowly.

       Zerai and Ella continued to fight on the front lines, although it was quickly becoming difficult to hold back the sheer number of warriors that Aaron had brought with him.

       Cedric continued to focus, and the ball of flames rammed through a few nearby enemies. Cedric let a small flame appear in his hand, and it flew towards one of the warriors that the flaming orb hadn't finished off.

       Ara' Sei raised her hand to the sky once again, and another pillar of pale flames slammed down. More warriors were left as blackened corpses after the radiant flames faded away. Looking back towards the blade of light hovering in midair, Ara' Sei struck it back down upon one of the enemy warriors.

       Roya stepped towards Ara' Sei and placed their hand on her. Ara' Sei glowed with sunlight as some of her wounds were mended.

       "There are too many! We need to retreat!" Roya shouted above the constant screams, battle cries, and clanging of weapons.

       Then, another bead of firelight flew across the chamber. Despite his best efforts, Cedric couldn't tell the exact location of where it had come from. Only Roya was able to step away from the full force of the blast. But, Cedric extended his hand, and some of the rapidly expanding flames from the explosion flowed into his arm.

       Even though Roya avoided the full force, they were knocked to the ground, barely alive.

       "Roya!" Ara' Sei shouted. Everything was spinning, and it was difficult to focus. Ara' Sei's ears rang and she could barely stand.

       The horde was still there, and they were still pushing forward, aided by an unseen Aaron who was slowly whittling down the group's resolve. They had to do something, and they had to do it fast.  

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