Chapter 132

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       Eventually, Ara' Sei's consciousness slipped away, and she found herself in darkness. Suddenly, the scene around her transformed into a meadow full of wildflowers. Her hands were free, and it immediately suggested the nature of the dream.

       Before Ara' Sei was a woman with two, angelic wings. It was the same woman that Ara' Sei saw in all her visions.

       "Is this the last time I'm seeing you?" Ara' Sei asked, tears building in her eyes. The woman approached Ara' Sei and embraced her.

       "No, not yet. You have one final step to take while I am here." The woman said. Ara' Sei looked up at the woman's face. Her face was fair and her voice was kind.

       "What is it?" Ara' Sei asked. The woman hesitated.

       "Ara' Sei, you have the same level of magical power that I do. You are just as powerful as many of the angels that exist in the heavens. This is my last piece of instruction before I say goodbye." The woman explained.

       "So, what is it?" Ara' Sei asked.

       "This step is the step that will allow you to move forward. You cannot continue to grow like this, you need to grow by your own fruition and instruction from now on." The woman instructed.

       "How do I do that?!" Ara' Sei asked, her eyes beginning to water.

       "Oh dearest Ara' Sei, you will grow. Unlike me, you surrounded yourself with people you can depend on." The woman said.

       "Wait, you were like me?" Ara' Sei asked. The woman nodded.

       "Long ago, I was a young woman just like you, receiving instructions just like you. I briefly found others, but I made the mistake of leaving them behind, and I wasn't able to grow. Trust me, keep these people close to you. You and I have an understanding that few divine have." The woman explained. Ara' Sei nodded.

       "We have the mortal experience, we have choice, and we are not naturally compelled like other angels are. Our days in the material world are numbered. Ara' Sei, you will grow if you continue to walk this path. When I leave, your path will truly be your own choice." The woman explained. Ara' Sei nodded.

       "It's just, I'm not sure what it'll be like to not be guided by visions. I mean, I've had them for so long." Ara' Sei said.

       "Well, you have four friends who can tell you." The woman said. Ara' Sei looked out across the fields of flowers.

       "It's going to be weird seeing this only one more time." Ara' Sei said.

       "There are far more beautiful places on the material plane. Besides, one of your friends is powerful enough to travel to other planes of existence." The woman said.

       "Really?" Ara' Sei asked. The woman nodded.

       "Well, it was always somewhat comforting when I saw this." Ara' Sei said.

       "I know, but you will find far greater comfort in those around you. None of them ever had a guide, but they've gotten this far with you." The woman said. Tears started pouring from Ara' Sei's eyes.

        "Are you sure I can do it?" Ara' Sei asked.

       "I do. And soon, it'll be time. Soon, it'll be time for you to stretch your wings, and fly."

Converging Destinies: Part 1Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz