Chapter 101

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       Ara' Sei and Zerai used their magic to illuminate the room. But, it seemed to be a blank stone chamber, aside from the cracks in the floor. It was rectangular shaped, and there was an archway on the other side of the room from where the group had entered. Zerai approached it, and was able to read the writing above it.

       "Descend further to find The Flame." He read.

       "Just confirms what we already knew." Eris said.

       "Agreed." Zerai replied. Through the archway was a set of stairs that descended downwards. The stairs stretched for well over a hundred feet downwards, and the group cautiously went down. More strange artwork adorned the walls, more artistic depictions of fire.

       "Do you reckon we'll find out what The Flame is before we actually find it?" Eris asked.

       "I don't think so, whoever built this place probably didn't want to mention it." Zerai said.

       "Also, why is there a temple half a mile underground?" Cedric asked.

       "I'll be honest, that's what's confusing me. In dwarven cities they dig downwards, but this was already here. How did it get here?" Ella asked.

"A lot about this place is really strange. No one goes to these lengths to protect something minor. Whatever is down here is important." Ara' Sei said.

       "That something is The Flame, right?" Ella asked. Eris nodded. The stairs ended, and the group walked through another archway, this one lacking any form of writing.

       With the help of Zerai and Ara' Sei, the group could immediately tell the room was massive. It was at least eighty feet in either direction, the walls were once again strangely plain. The only feature the room had was a golden urn that sat atop a platform in the center.

       "That feels, strangely menacing." Cedric commented, pointing at the urn. The lid of the urn was adorned with vibrant red rubies, which glittered in the magical light that Ara' Sei and Zerai were generating.

       On the other end of the room was a door, a massive stone door. Upon closer inspection, the door itself had a tiny keyhole.

       "I have a terrible feeling that the key is in that." Eris said, pointing their finger at the urn.

       "Okay, should we open it?" Zerai asked.

       "Let me try to push this door open." Ella said.

       "I can help you." Cedric said. He placed his hand on Ella and muttered under his breath. Emerald light began to flow down Ella's burly arms.

       "Oh... I like it!" Ella shouted. Then, she charged at the door, and used her momentum to try to push the door open. After a few seconds, the door began to loudly grind open.

       "Ha! I love this Cedric. Can you do it more often?" Ella asked.

       "I mean, only if it's useful." Cedric said.

       "Oh. Fair." Ella said.

       "I hate to ruin the mood, but we're supposed to clear this temple out. If there is a threat in that urn, we have to fight it and make sure it's gone." Ara' Sei said.

       "She's right." Eris said.

       "Oh well, that was still fun." Ella said.

       "How should we get the lid off?" Zerai asked.

       "I can take care of it. Everyone, stand back." Eris answered. They drew their fingers through the air and muttered a well practiced incantation. The lid of the urn was lifted off. There was a moment of silence.

       Suddenly, a large form burst from the urn. A massive man with vibrant red skin rose from the urn. Smoke came from his nostrils as he breathed and his eyes glowed faintly with firelight. He wore a loincloth and various golden trinkets on his belt. One of the trinkets was a golden key with a ruby colored pendant.

       "You would dare open the door without passing the trial!" The man shouted.

       "Get ready!" Zerai shouted.

       And just like that, the group found themselves in another confrontation. 

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