Chapter 18

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       It had been several hours since the group had left Cresselbrooke, and they had decided to travel on foot. Despite how it would take a full week, the group decided that they needed to save their money for the trip to Duskholme. On the fourth day of travel, Cedric was able to spot a small smattering of rock that resembled a structure. Eris and Cedric investigated while the group stayed behind.

       The structure was about a quarter mile off of the path they were taking. The days had been spent walking through miles and miles of wild fields. Occasionally, in the distance farms were visible. Cedric noticed that he spotted more and more farms in the distance the closer they got to Aaronsworth. As the two approached the structure, its age became apparent. The stones were worn and covered in lichen and most moss.

       "I wonder what this structure was like when it wasn't a ruin." Cedric thought aloud.

       "Well, there are many things about the world we don't know." Eris pointed out.

       "I suppose that's a good point, but it's all rather frightening." Cedric said.

       "How so?" Eris asked.

       "Well, it's so weird how we have very little idea about things that are rather important. The nature of demons and gods and angels and whatnot." Cedric explained.

       "That is a good point. It's so weird because growing up I thought all of that was nonsense. And now here I am, travelling with someone who has a fragment of that kind of power."

       "Yeah, it really is crazy. When I was growing up in Erathir, I had no idea there were people in the woods who did magic, and now I'm one of them."

       "Three weeks ago I didn't know I would be travelling with you, but now I am. And... well, I really like it that way."

       "Wait, Eris? You... like travelling with me?"

       "Well, yeah."

       "That's so nice." Cedric said as he hugged Eris.

       "Oh, uh, nice." The two looked at each other for a moment.

       "Okay, now, about looking for stuff. Did you uh... find anything?" Cedric asked. Eris shook their head in reply.

       "Yeah. I uh, didn't find anything either, heh." Cedric answered. The two went back to the group and reported that they didn't find anything interesting. The group continued travelling for many hours each day. They lived off of the rations they got as well as the occasional edible plant that Ella or Cedric found. As their journey had gone on, they noticed how it became noticeably colder.

       Soon the border walls of the port of Aaronsworth were visible in the distance. Ara' Sei knew that soon she would find why her visions had led her towards Duskholme. But, for the moment, it was a mystery. 

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