Chapter 34

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       In his rat form, Cedric scampered to the docks. As a rat keeping out of sight, it was a fifteen minute journey. But once he got there, he was able to find a spot somewhat out of sight and transform back. Then, he was able to find three ships lined up, which upon closer inspection had all of the names Zerai had given him.

       Cedric looked around. Thankfully, because it was now sunset, and Duskholme lay on the eastern coast of the island, a massive shadow was cast over the city. People were now beginning to return to their homes.

       "Alright, I gotta do it now." Cedric whispered to himself. Cedric walked up right next to the first ship, and aimed for the mast. The flame flew towards the mast of the first ship, but it just barely flew past it.

      "Crap!" Cedric cursed. After a few seconds he recollected himself and ignited another fire in his hand before once again sending the flame flying at the mast of the ship. The flame hit the mast around mid way up, and a small flame ignited. Cedric ran to the next.

       Another flame ignited in his hand, he took a deep breath. The flame flew at the mast. It went a foot to the left. Cedric began panicking, he didn't have time for this. Another flame, another try. This time, the flame hit the mast with such heat and force that the mast was practically cut in half. The top half of the mast along with the sails fell to the deck of the ship. A loud, snapping, cracking noise echoed along the docks. Cedric began to hear shouts.

       "Oh no oh no oh no." He ran to the other ship, clutching his hands together, another flame appeared in them. The flame flew up, and in his panic the flame raged, once again burning the mast in two. Cedric ran back to the first ship, and with an incantation the flames began to spread with increased ferocity.

       "Fire in the docks! Fire!!" A voice cried out. Three figures were running towards Cedric at full speed. Cedric ran along to the second ship, with another incantation the flames spread along the deck with further ferocity. There were now five figures charging towards Cedric and the flaming ships.

       "Stop that arsonist!" A voice shouted. Cedric had made his way to the third ship. With one breath and a short incantation, the flames on the third ship danced along the deck with ease. Cedric felt an impact as he hit the docks on his side. A human man had leapt on top of him.

       "Just what the hell do you think you're doing lunatic!" The man screamed in Cedric's ear.

       "I'm truly sorry, but you need to leave." Cedric said. Cedric muttered under his breath and with his free hand twirled his fingers. A dark, crackling cloud appeared above them. Cedric felt a hand cover his mouth, but it was too late. A bolt of lightning struck the dock a few feet away from the man who had tackled Cedric. He screamed and backed off. With that Cedric leapt into the water and swam desperately. He heard a splash right behind him. A hand grabbed his foot, looking back, Cedric saw the man had now grabbed his foot, then Cedric felt his whole body being pulled underwater.

       "I'm sorry." Cedric whispered silently to the waves. From the cloud above, a bolt of lighting struck the man. The man twitched, then his body went still, then it sank. With a flash of emerald, Cedric's body morphed into that of a salmon, and he swam away. Over the next thirty seconds, he called a few more strikes of lightning upon the ships, damaging them even further. When Cedric transformed back on a beach a mile away from the city, he could see the three ships as three giant firelights in the distance. Black smoke floating above them. Cedric sighed before walking back to the city, and making it back to the inn.

       In the streets there were people running and shouting about the disaster at the docks. Cedric hurried back to the inn. When he got to his room, he saw Eris on the bed, staring out into space. When Eris looked up at him, they leapt of the bed and embraced Cedric.

       "Cedric, you caused such a mess!" Cedric chuckled.

       "I know."

       "Did you get caught?" Eris asked.

       "Almost, but I can handle myself, don't worry." Cedric assured Eris.

       "Look, I just wanna look out for you, okay? I've never really felt that way before and it's confusing but don't you dare get yourself into such deep trouble okay?" Eris explained.

       "Okay, I'll do my best Eris."

       "Thank you."

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