Chapter 10

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       Cedric wasn't sure if he should have been comforted by Ella's words. Then, Ella grabbed her blade and swung back towards the zombie that was still attacking her. In her weakened state, it was difficult to swing towards it but her blade came down upon the zombie. The blade dug deep, but by a thread, the zombie still hung on. Eris took their blade, and pushed downward, cutting through the top of the zombies head. With that, the zombie fell to the floor, its unnatural magic no longer able to hold it together.

       "Come on Ara' Sei, you're better than this." Ara' Sei whispered to herself. She placed both of her hands together, and allowed her power to build. She felt it, burning in her hands waiting to be born into the world as divine judgement. She raised her right arm forward, shaking from the power that she carried in her hands. Then, the light hurled itself towards the shadow that was fighting Ella. The light impacted, and the shadow screamed as it was instantly annihilated. Ara' Sei almost collapsed from the effort, but, she raised her hand, and the blade of light was brought down upon the only remaining shadow. It dug into the shadow, and the abomination screeched in pain.

       Only two undead still stood. But, they were both focused on Cedric. The zombie swung for him, its blow once again slamming into his head. The shadow lunged forward desperately, its hand touching Cedric in the center of his back. Cedric twitched, tears pouring from his eyes as the whole world for him went black and cold.

       "Cedric!" Cedric's body fell to the floor. He was breathing, but weakly.

       "You horrid thing!" Ella shouted running towards the zombie. She brought her blade in another wide arc, slamming into the zombie's shoulder. Eris swung around, and in an instant was behind the zombie. They plunged their blade into the zombie's head and brought the blade down through its spine. The creature's upper body folded outwards like a banana peel before falling to the ground in a heap of rotting flesh.

       Ara' Sei watched everything unfold below her.

       "I need to be closer." Are' Sei leapt down from the roof, shrieking in pain as she felt her lower leg crack. Her head also hit the floor and her whole head pounded. She reached her hand out, and Cedric's body began to glow. Then brighter, then brighter. Cedric's body became a light, and his wounds were mended, the withered flesh almost fully healed back to normal. Then, she focused her will around the sword of light. It was brought upwards, then, in one vibrant arc of light, it exploded into the shadow, and the last undead was dispersed into nothing. Ara' Sei collapsed, her arms shaking from the effort. Even so, she smiled.

       "We did it, for this battle, we won."

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