Chapter 7

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          Ara' Sei and Eris had been waiting in their rooms for several hours. Ara' Sei was frustrated. No matter how far she looked, she hadn't found a thing. Then, she heard two sets of footsteps approaching her door.

          "Hey Ara' Sei! It's us, we're back!" Ella shouted. Ara' Sei smiled.

          "Come in." The door opened to reveal Cedric and Ella. Ella was beaming with glee, Cedric looked somewhat concerned behind her.

          "Cedric, could you go get Eris?" Ara' Sei asked. He nodded, and then went to go fetch Eris.

          "Do you know what he found?" Ara' Sei asked Ella. Ella shook her head.

          "But, he did say he found something." Ella added. The two others entered through the door. Now, the whole group was in the girls' room.

          "So, it took some time, but I found an owl that had seen something."

         "What did the owl see?" Ara' Sei asked.

          "The owl said to me that there was a robed person who went to the graveyard on the last new moon. They did some muttering and whispering, and a 'shadow person' appeared from nothing and spoke to them. The owl was able to hear something about another new moon, but that was all." Cedric explained.

          "I didn't like this before, but this is worse. Considering the fact they were in the graveyard, and the presence of a zombie attack a few days ago. This means what we're fighting is undead in nature." Eris explained.

          "We need to be in that graveyard during the new moon. Does... anyone know when that is?" Ara' Sei asked. Cedric closed his eyes and began whispering to himself. Cedric gasped.

          "Th-That's two nights from now." Cedric said, his face turning pale.

          "We have tonight and tomorrow night to get ready. And then, the next night, we need to be ready to fight undead." Ara' Sei explained.

          "Should we get some help from the guards for this?" Ella asked.

          "No, the guards are ill suited to fighting undead. They're more used to dealing with criminals. You two have magical capabilities, which means you're far better equipped to deal with these undead." Eris answered.

          "Then it's settled. Two nights from now, we'll go to the graveyard, and be ready." Ara' Sei declared. The group agreed and went off to their beds and went to sleep.

          Over the next two days, the group had their own means of getting ready. Ella practiced drills with her greatsword. Cedric spent much time in deep meditation. Eris spent the days in their room pondering. Ara' Sei sat in her room, hoping for a vision to come. But as the night was nigh, all of them were ready.

          At sunset, the group gathered outside the front of the inn. They began heading to the graveyard, which was a 10 minute walk outside of town. But, they took extra time to be as silent as possible. In the dark of a moonless night, it was difficult.

          "I can go investigate, you all stay here." Eris whispered as they stood a hundred feet out of the walls of the graveyard. Eris prowled forward, their steps silent on the grass. They leapt atop the barrier surrounding the graveyard without a sound, and looked within. But, in the dark of the moonless night, they were unable to see anything. They snuck back to the group to report what they had found. The only thing Eris could see were the faint outlines of gravestones and the shape of the chapel next to it.

        "I didn't see or hear anything, we would do well to be ready." Eris explained.

         "I have an idea. Ara' Sei said she can't fight head on very well, but I can get her on the roof of the chapel with a spell." Cedric whispered.

        "Alright, you two do that." With that the two snuck towards the chapel.

       "Okay Cedric, what do you need me to do."

       "I'll cast the spell, all I need you to do is climb the chapel wall and get on the roof, okay?"

       "Okay." Cedric placed his hand on Ara' Sei's shoulder and muttered an incantation. Ara' Sei then placed her hand on the wall, and was amazed as the ivy that clung to the chapel wrapped around her, helping her climb. Without effort, she made it onto the roof of the chapel. Then, Cedric heard movement, a shuffle, a groan.

       "Oh no."

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