Chapter 112

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       Cedric finished his morning meditation. He was ready to fight any demons if another demon incursion happened. But, as he awoke, Eris was nowhere to be seen.

       Cedric had fully regathered his druidic power, it had been well over an hour and a half. He would go to the other room to see if anyone had seen them.

       Knocking on the door, there was no response. As he opened the door, no one was there.

       Going downstairs to the small tavern, he saw three of his friends had gathered at the table, and had already purchased some drinks and breakfast. Ella smiled and waved upon seeing Cedric.

       "Hello! Good morning!" Ella said.

       "Hello, have any of you-"

       "Seen them? No." Zerai answered.

       "I just faintly heard them leave, but they have yet to return." Cedric said.

       "They were going to go all around town. I'd only start worrying if they aren't back in another hour." Ara' Sei said. Breakfast eventually passed as Cedric slowly finished his food.

       But, an hour later, Eris was nowhere to be seen. Cedric walked over to the others' room.

       "They aren't back." Cedric said.

       "I know Cedric, but I don't know where they are." Ara' Sei said.

       "Should we look for them?" Ella asked.

       "Yes!" Cedric interjected.

       "We should wait, but not much longer. I'm starting to get worried." Ara' Sei said. Cedric sat on one of the beds next to Ella. Silence hung over the room for an eternity. Minutes passed by like molasses. Several hours later, thirty minutes had passed.

       "I'm looking for them." Cedric declared.

       "So will I." Ara' Sei said.

       "I'm helping, something's wrong!" Ella said.

       "I'm going too." Zerai agreed. And with that, the group left. Despite being rather small, Oarshear was rather densely populated. The closeness of the buildings made the streets difficult to navigate. The population itself was a mix of humans, orcs, dwarves, and halflings. It was a colorful array of people, and the group blended in rather well.

       Eventually, a robed man in pale blue robes approached the group. A silver earring hung from his ear, and his hair was pale from age.

       "Hello, I have reason to suspect you of crimes. You have not been convicted of anything thus far, but I will need you to come with me." The man declared. Many eyes turned towards the group.

       "Take us wherever you want. But, we certainly have a few questions." Ara' Sei said. Her very presence radiated authority through her words. For a moment, she had transformed into something far more frightening.

       The man took a step back in shock.

       "Yes, now follow me." He said. His facade of authority had broken, and Cedric could see beads of sweat pooling on his forehead. The man led them towards the center of town. The buildings became noticeably better constructed, and the group saw more and more churches and cathedrals as they neared the town's center.

       Eventually, the group found themselves being led into a manor. The manor itself was made of stone, and it was minimalistically artistic. The room was led through stone hallways with small windows and expansive libraries. The group was eventually led into a massive chamber with a tall, high window.

       The two walls of the room to the sides of the party, and they were lined with locked bookshelves. Extensive supplies and papers littered the room. A chandelier made of black colored metal hung from the ceiling, which had an eerie pale glow.

       But, in the chair at a desk, facing the group, was a man in simple attire. He had brown hair, a well kept beard, and a kind looking face. He smiled at the group as they walked in.

       "Welcome, my name is Aaron Servilus, we have much to discuss."

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