Chapter 158

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       Ella glanced back at the scene. Cedric lay knelt on the ground next to a barely breathing Eris, and Zerai lay on the ground, not moving at all.

       "Umm, Ara' Sei?" Ella asked. Ara' Sei glanced behind and her eyes widened. Her eyes darted between the brambles that lay ahead and her fallen party member, but she had not yet made a decision.

       Then, Zerai's body began to glow. Then, with a flash of light, he stood up and inhaled. He muttered an incantation under his breath, and two spectral wings bloomed from his back. He flew forwards towards Ara' Sei.

       Eris pulled themself from Cedric's arms.

       "It's okay, I'm fine for now." Eris said. Then, they sprung up, and ran forward with almost supernatural speed, easily keeping up with Zerai.

       Ara' Sei closed her eyes and let her power flow through her, wings sprouted from her back.

       "Zerai! Eris! Help Ella cut these plants out of the way, I'll give this dragon everything I've got, so don't worry." Ara' Sei said with a smile before flying into the sky. She let another beacon build at her fingertips, prepared to strike the dragon when it showed itself.

       Cedric walked forward and extended his hands. A rolling inferno blasted through several walls of brambles, instantly incinerating them.

       Ella ran forward freely now that the path was clear. Zerai flew with incredible speed towards the edge of the grove. Eris glowed with golden light, and their breathing was no longer as weak.

       Eris ran forward, practically alongside Zerai. They seemed to glide across the forest floor with the incredible speed they had.

       Ara' Sei slowly flew in their direction as well, still holding the beacon at the ready at the fingertips. Its glow illuminated her and cast shadows upon the supernatural forest.

       Cedric continued forwards, trying his best to keep up with the rest of the group ahead.

       Suddenly, the dragon appeared, swooping towards Ara' Sei. Ara' Sei let the beacon fly. It slammed into the side of the dragon's head as it lunged towards Ara' Sei.

       Ara' Sei flew back, and the bite barely grazed her shoulder, she felt a jolt of pain as toxin was pumped into her system. Then, two claws came out of nowhere and slashed her. She was sent reeling back in midair from the impacts, her blood was sent flying everywhere, and her clothes were rapidly getting soaked.

       "Ready to die, poor little angel?" The dragon said, its lips curling back to reveal gleaming white teeth, dripping with green venom. The stench of poison seeped from the dragon's open mouth, and Ara' Sei had to suppress the desire to vomit.

       Ella turned around upon hearing the dragon's voice.

       "Zerai, you're the only person here who can fly!" Ella shouted. Zerai turned around and immediately flew towards the dragon and Ara' Sei. He slashed his blade through the air, and three bolts of light hurled themselves towards the dragon. Two of them grazed off the dragon's thick scales, and only one made impact.

       Eris continued to run forward until they ran into a bramble wall. They turned to Ella, ready to work with her to cut it down.

       Ara' Sei flew back and let the light flow into her arm. She let it collect and accumulate until the brink of being too much. Then, a beam of light fired at the dragon. Despite partially reflecting off of its hide, the area around the impact turned into gray dust which fell off. The dragon roared in agony before turning around and slamming Ara' Sei with its tail. Ara' Sei was sent reeling back further in midair.

       Cedric ran further forward as quickly as he could. Now, he was almost caught up with Ella and Eris.

       The dragon turned away and flew down into the trees with all of its speed. Despite its size, it disappeared beneath the canopy. Ara' Sei could hear thunderous footsteps as it ran.

       Soon, the group regathered and cleared a way out of the grove. From up above, Ara' Sei sent spears of flame into the brambles ahead, instantly incinerating a path through. Whatever she didn't clear right away with made quick work of thanks to Ella and Zerai.

       Within the hour, the group had made it out of the grove, and had escaped their first encounter with the dragon, all of them still alive. 

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