Chapter 120

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       Cedric and Eris silently guided the party out of the garden. One by one, each of the members was boosted over the border fence by Ella, Eris, and Zerai. Then, each of the remaining three climbed over the fence.

       Only a few people glanced in the direction of the group as they silently passed through the vaguely moonlit streets.

       After around an hour, Cedric pulled the group into an alley to cast the spell again, for he could only hold the spell for so long. The group continued to look through the streets, but neither Eris nor Cedric could see anywhere that looked like a safe haven.

       "You found anything?" Zerai asked in a whisper.

       "No." Eris whispered back.

       "Just a quick question." Ella whispered.

       "What?" Eris asked.

       "Those cathedrals are huge, do you think there's some back room we could hide in?" Ella asked. The group sat in silence.

       "You know, that just might work." Zerai whispered. With that, the group reoriented themselves, and gradually made their way closer to the center of the town. While small, Oarshear did have several massive cathedrals, which were easily visible in the night.

       However, Eris decided to guide them to the one that was furthest from the center of town. But, two guards stood out front.

       "What now?" Ara' Sei whispered. Eris looked around and carved a faintly glowing, purple glyph in the air. Around a corner, out of visibility from the guards, a loud shuffling of footsteps was suddenly heard. In the darkness, the two guards looked at eachother and went to investigate the sound.

       The group snuck up to the massive door while the two guards were occupied, the shuffling sound not letting up. Eris deftly opened one of the massive doors without making a sound, and with that opening, the group slipped in. Eris silently closed the door behind them.

       The inside of the cathedral was a massive, cavernous space. Stained glass windows covered the two walls, and they stretched all the way to the ceiling.

       "Are you sure there'll be rooms other than this one?" Zerai asked.

       "Well, I think so." Ella replied. The group inspected the main chamber itself. There were rows upon rows of benches, all facing in one direction. At the end of the chamber was a massive sculpture of a female figure with one hand raised to the sky. From the ceiling above the statue hung a massive, golden, gong like object.

       "Solan, the goddess of the sun and life." Eris whispered.

       "This is a cathedral to Solan?" Ara' Sei asked. Eris nodded in response.

       Suddenly, Cedric's ears perked up. There was a quiet, faintly echoing, and repetitive sound.

       "Do any of you hear that?" Cedric asked.

       "Yes, I do." Ara' Sei replied. Cedric followed the noise to somewhere near the back of the cathedral. Now, it was clear that the sound was footsteps.

       "Hide!" Eris whispered. Each of the group members attempted to slip away, hiding behind various columns and benches. From his hiding point, Cedric could see one robed figure walking towards the central sculpture of the Cathedral. Then, in front of the sculpture, the figure stopped.

       "I know you're there." The figure said assertively.

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