Chapter 52

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       "C'mon Ara' Sei, you still got more in you. You will help them." She whispered to herself. Cedric continued to use all of his new strength to try and move the ship. However, the massive ship still wasn't budging. Ella charged to the edge of the dock and dove into the water. Despite her armor and her massive blade, she still managed to swim. One of the guards dove in after her, and was in pursuit. Zerai continued running along the dock. Seeing the man in the water, he muttered a few words and the man's body burst into radiant fire. The water did nothing to quell the flames. However, in the process, two guards bore down onto him.

       The first strike slammed into Zerai, spraying his blood across the dock. However, Zerai parried the second strike made against him. Then, Zerai made his glowing blade disappear and dove into the water.

       Up on the deck of the newly stolen ship, Ara' Sei let the power within her build into a beacon at her fingertips. Then, once again as she had many times before, she released it. She aimed at the same guard she had hit before, who was now on the dock near a desperately swimming Zerai. The guard was knocked off his feet and to the floor of the dock by the impact.

       Ella and Zerai desperately swam towards the ship. Ella was barely moving in the water, due to the weight of her blade and armor. The guard behind her was doing even worse, and was struggling to not drown. Zerai was making good progress towards the ship.

       "Get our ship and prepare our oarmen!" One of the guards shouted on the dock. A sense of dread fell over everyone now that they knew that the guards' help was on the way. Cedric continued pushing with all of his strength to try and move the ship. Finally, the ship just barely began to move. Ara' Sei began to think frantically, then, she had an idea.

       "I can just barely bend the world around me, maybe." She whispered to herself. Her eyes glowed, and she raised her hand. A tiny bit of wind filled the sail for a brief moment before dying back down.

       "If only I had one more person also doing this, we could move the ship." Ara' Sei whispered to herself. Ella and Zerai continued to fight to go towards the ship. Ella was now able to find a rhythm, and had made it to the edge of the ship. But the guard behind her was now screaming and drowning. Zerai was slowly making his way towards the ship. Eris looked over the edge to see Ella. Eris grabbed onto the rail of the deck, and let their feet dangle down.

       "Ella, if you can, grab my feet, I'll pull us up!" Eris said.

       "Alright, it's gonna be difficult, but I can try!" Ella shouted in response to them. Ella hesitated before swimming with all of her might, grabbing her hands around Eris' ankles. Eris began trying to pull their ankles upwards, but to no avail.

       "Give... me... moment." They managed to strain. Cedric continued to fight against the stern of the ship. But he was hardly able to keep up, and he was beginning to get tired. Ara' Sei had her eyes trained on the movements of the guards on the docks. They were shouting, and Ara' Sei could see dozens of figures running towards one massive ship.

       Zerai finally made it to the edge of the ship, and waited, realizing that Eris was trying to get Ella up first.

       Eris tensed their core, and brought their ankles towards their chest. Simultaneously, Ella brought her chest up near her arms, and then she latched her arm around the railing of the ship, and was able to climb aboard. She tossed her blade on the deck.

       "Thanks Eris, now, let's get Zerai up! I'm going to grab your ankles and lower you so he can grab you." Ella explained. Eris nodded. And together, Ella and Eris were able to lift Zerai onto the deck. But judging by Ara' Sei's expression, they knew they weren't done yet. 

Converging Destinies: Part 1Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon