Chapter 39

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       A few of the figures vanished out of view. Eris held up their blades at the ready. Then, two arrows flew from the darkness. One plunged a couple inches into Eris' side. The second hit Eris right in the chest, only a few inches away from their heart. They cried out in pain and stumbled backwards. They coughed up blood on the floor.

       Ara' Sei's eyes jumped to the two who had shot the arrows. Ara' Sei pointed at one and let her power surge through her, focusing into a beacon at her fingertip. The whole room was briefly illuminated as her power built. Then, just as the beacon would burst, she released it, releasing as much of her power as she could hope to at once. The power slammed into the one who had fired the second arrow, and with a cry he fell to the ground as a scorched heap.

       Cedric muttered a word under his breath, and with an emerald glow vitality rushed to Eris. Then, a flame appeared above his hand. The flame leapt from his hand towards the nearest person, who was a woman in leather armor. However, in his focus on Eris, the flame flew off two feet to the side.

       Eris coughed more blood onto the floor before slinking into the shadows. They saw someone closing in on Cedric, so they hurled their dagger at the woman. The dagger sunk into her lower back, and she stumbled, but by a thread she held on. Eris limped over towards Cedric.

       A blade manifested in Zerai's hand of glowing light. He charged at the woman and with a flash beheaded her. Then he ran to another person who was rapidly closing in. With both of his hands he brought his blade around in a horizontal slash. The man shouted out in pain, but gritted his teeth and grasped his sword.

       "Oh come on, where's the fight at?!" Ella asked loudly. Then, through the fading sunlight that leaked through the doors of the warehouse, she saw another woman, also clad in armor with a massive axe.

       "Oh, there it is." Ella said with a smile. She charged at the woman with all of her speed. Utilizing this speed she brought her blade upwards. The blade cut through the woman's shoulder. Then, utilizing the momentum, Ella brought the sword around again, but the woman glanced it off her armor. Then, Ella pulled her blade closer to her, and rammed the tip of the blade into her opponent. The blade sunk around three inches in, but the woman leapt backwards before Ella could do any more damage.

       The woman clutched the wound. Then, she smiled.

       "Alrighty lass, my turn." She said. First, she brought the axe up and then cleaved downwards. Ella parried the blow with her greatsword.

       "Nice try!" With a grunt of frustration Ella's opponent brought the blade around to Ella's right side. Ella glanced it off her armor. With increased frustration, the woman advanced. First, she brought her axe upwards in an arc, it skimmed Ella's side painfully. Ella countered by shoving the woman away before she could attack any more. The woman took a deep breath, steeling herself for the attacks to come.

       Two warriors charged at Zerai. One ran towards Eris, dragging the longsword they wielded behind him. Two of the warriors ran to their leaders defense. One still bore down onto Cedric.

       Zerai parried an attack with his glowing blade. However, another hit sank a few inches into his side.

       Eris felt a blade slash across their shoulder. They began trembling from the pain and began to feel dizzy from the blood they were losing.

       One attempted to bring his blade down onto Cedric. But with an emerald glow vines rushed from Cedric's fingers, entangling the blade before it could hit him. The assailant pulled their blade from the vines with a snarl.

       Ella managed to glance a blow off of her armor, sending the assailant stumbling from the force of their own attack. The other jabbed their blade into her back and twisted the blade painfully.

       Ella heard the rushing sound of an arrow, but she moved her head just before the arrow hit her in the side of the temple.

       "Ha, not dying yet idiot!" She taunted at the man with the bow.

       Ara' Sei's eyes widened as she beheld Eris weakly limping towards Cedric.

       "Eris, here." She said. She walked towards them and placed her hand on their shoulder. Her eyes glowed as light rushed down her arm and into Eris. The arrow in Eris' side fell out as the wound was healed, dispelling the arrow from their body.

       "Thanks." They said, still weak from the arrow in their chest.

       "No worry, we'll make it through this fight. I won't let this fight go all wrong."

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