Chapter 88

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       The two met up with the man at the sketchy bar again. The man was able to provide a picture of the target, as well as a general idea of where he lived in relation to the place the cult would meet. He also said that in order for them to get paid, they would need evidence of the kill. Then, they would all meet again at the tavern the day after to discuss payment.

       From there, two days passed until the night of the new moon. Cedric meditated that morning, and Eris impatiently waited for him.

       "Don't worry Eris, we'll head over in the afternoon. This cult wouldn't try to hold a meeting during the day." Cedric reassured them. The next hours were infuriatingly slow. Although Eris was good at what they did, they were still somewhat nervous. What Cedric had said the day before was truly beginning to sink it. It was frightening, truly.

        When afternoon shifted into evening, Cedric cast a spell before transforming into a squirrel. Eris blended in perfectly with the help of Cedric's spell. They followed the map until they were in the general area the cult met. The two ducked into an alleyway, where Cedric transformed back.

       Cedric then placed his hand on Eris and muttered a quiet incantation. As Eris placed their hand on the wall of a building, ivy grew and held their limbs as they climbed. Using the spell twice, Cedric was able to get both of them up onto a rooftop. In the fading light, no one was able to truly notice them. From there, they were able to have a vantage point to keep track of all activity around the area.

       Cedric quickly picked up a pattern. A few individuals that he saw walking were wearing strikingly similar cloaks. He also noticed that every time he saw one, they were walking in the same direction.

       "I know what the target's clothes will look like." Cedric whispered.

       "Good." Eris responded in a whisper.

       Another hour passed, and Cedric tapped Eris on the shoulder when he spotted the man. He was exactly as was described. He was young looking, with a bit of short, blond hair poking out from under his cloak. He was an average looking man, and no one would suspect him of being a demon cultist.

       Cedric placed his hand on Eris and muttered an incantation.

       "That'll make it easier for you. Now go, I'll be nearby if you need me." Cedric said. Silently, Eris descended from the rooftop and vanished into the shadows. Despite his keen eyes, Cedric couldn't track them. But, they were able to track the target. The target glanced around nervously before turning into an alleyway.

       Eris flowed from shadow to shadow in pursuit of their target. Then, they held out their hand and muttered the incantation that they had practiced on their own endlessly. The man froze, his muscles failing to move. His eyes darted around in terror. His eyes were wide, but he couldn't move his jaw to scream. But, the pain only lasted a second as a blade plunged from right above his collarbone down into his heart. Eris set the corpse gently on the ground, careful not to get any blood on their clothes.

       In an instant, Eris was able to collect a lock of the man's hair as well as a mysterious book he carried in a satchel. Then, they slipped away without a trace.

       From the rooftop, Cedric had seen the kill. It was so silent, almost no one could have seen it. The man was gone, all because some more powerful person had enough money and power to get away with it. It was a demon cultist, but Cedric could so easily see the man as just any innocent person. Cedric transformed into a squirrel and ran down to meet Eris. Then, the two went back to the inn.

       Eris quietly cleaned their dagger. By the moment, Cedric understood more and more. Now, all of the nostalgic memories of Erathir had turned sour, knowing that it was a city not much unlike this one. No wonder his family had left. 

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