Chapter 183

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       Eris ran towards the end of the ship and continued staring at the dragon turtle that was slowly gaining on them.

       "What should we do?!" Brie asked.

       "We need to bring the thing down, dragon turtles go after ships to loot treasure. Magic should work on it just fine." Eris answered.

       "I'll try to hit it with my magic from up here!" Ara' Sei shouted. She channelled a beacon at her fingertips and sent it flying towards the dragon turtle. The beacon plunged into the water and slammed into the creature's side. The radiant power burning the creature even underwater.

       "We'll need more than just that. Is there any other way to fight it?" Zerai asked. The dragon turtle began to descend out of view beneath the water, its massive shape fading from view.

       "Yeah... Are you sure Ara' Sei can still hit it?" Ella asked.

       "Okay, I've got a plan." Cedric declared. He placed his hands out and everyone except for him briefly glowed with emerald light.

       "This spell will make you be able to breathe underwater. I need to stay up here and focus on maintaining my control over the weather. It'll still be difficult to fight down there, but at least you'll be able to breathe." Cedric explained.

       "Thanks Cedric. We won't let you down." Eris said, before they leapt overboard. As they hit the water, the heat of the water immediately hit them. It was well over the temperature of the water in a sauna, and it burned Eris' eyes. As Cedric had said, they could breath underwater, strangely in the same way they did normally.

       Ara' Sei extended her hand out towards the rapidly disappearing shape in the water.

       "Do you think I can hit it?" Ara' Sei asked.

       "Give this one everything you've got, I know you'll hit it!" Brie shouted. Ara' Sei extended her hand outward, and let the beacon build to incredible brightness. It was far beyond what she would usually focus at once. Then, she let it fly.

       As Brie had predicted, the beacon slammed into the creature, despite its thick shell and the fact that it was deep underwater. She stayed on the ship, but she was ready if anything went awry.

       Zerai leapt over the edge of the ship, also plunging beneath the water. He could clearly see the gargantuan shape of the dragon turtle in the distance. He held his blade at the ready and it glowed with light.

       The dragon turtle rapidly approached. It was about sixty feet beneath the water, and it was rapidly approaching. However, it was still too far away for anyone but Ara' Sei to hit it.

       "I'll wait for this thing to get closer before diving in." Ella said.

       "Considering how hot the water is, that might be wise." Brie replied.

       Cedric began walking away from the back of the ship.

       "I'm not sure how I can help any further, but if an opportunity arises, I will take it." Cedric said.

       Eris stayed afloat in the water with their daggers at the ready.

       "We can still speak normally, right?" They asked.

       "You sound just fine to me." Zerai replied. It appeared Cedric's spell also made them able to talk underwater.

       Everyone stood by in wait as the massive creature slowly drew closer. Dread filled them as the true size of the threat at hand began to take hold. 

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