Chapter 192

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       The group woke up, although it wasn't clear when they had woken up. The surroundings looked the exact same as before, and there was no fluctuation in light. It was all just a monotonous gray.

       Cedric was already meditating by the time everyone else was awake. Brie was studying through her spellbook, murmuring to herself. Ara' Sei was staring off into the dismal, gray distance. Eris was standing near Cedric. Ella was practicing with her blade. Zerai was closely inspecting the magical blade he had acquired

       "So, Brie, who are you going to contact?" Eris asked once Brie was done studying with her spellbook.

       "I'm going to contact Naiyra, the conjuration professor at the academy I studied with, the divination professor at that same school. Beyond that, I'm not sure who to contact." Brie said.

       Brie extended her hand out before her while clutching her wand with the other hand. Her wand was a simple rod of dark wood, it had one simple design near the tip. The design glowed as she cast the spell.

       "Hello Naiyra, this is Brie. I'm stuck in another plane and currently see no means of escaping. I hope things are going well over there!" Brie said. There were a few moments of silence. Brie nodded.

       "She says things were going okay, and to try and get out of here. I'm not sure she knows much about this sort of stuff. I'll try the conjuration professor next."

       The glyph Brie used to cast the spell was simplistic and fluid, but not as graceful as some of her other magic.

       "Professor Hiedver, this is Brie Evertempest. I am stuck in a gray plane, planar travel doesn't function. Please do research and get back to me." There was another moment of silence.

       "They said they would look into it." Brie said.

       "How many words can you speak at a time?" Ara' Sei asked.

       "Through this spell, twenty five. I'll contact the divination professor next." Brie said as she began to draw the glyph into the air.

       "Professor Selaiya, this is Brie Evertempest. I am trapped in a gray plane where interplanar travel cannot function. Please do some research, thank you." Brie said.

       "She said she'd also do research. Unfortunately, there isn't much the professors can do immediately to help if interplanar travel doesn't function." Brie said.

       Cedric provided the group with magically generated food and water. The group gratefully ate it, but wasn't sure how many more times they would have to eat it.

       "I have a spell that can turn all of us into eagles like I can. That way, we can travel at least twice as quickly as we could otherwise." Cedric explained.

       "Oh, that's helpful!" Ella commented. After the group was quickly done with breakfast. Cedric cast the spell. Everyone's form flashed with emerald light, and they all took to the sky. As Cedric had said, they travelled far more quickly than they could have hoped to otherwise. Now, the group had a routine for travelling through the mysterious, seemingly endless desert. 

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