Chapter 19

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       The group was asked about their business in Aaronsworth, and they were able to get in by telling them they were going to Duskholme. Aaronsworth was massive compared to Cresselbrooke. The stone walls around it were fifteen feet tall and spread among them were towers twice as tall. The actual streets were busy, and flooded with markets. The group could hear sellers calling out, encouraging them to buy things such as pottery, spices, and other trinkets. Ella did her best to keep a low profile, but it was somewhat difficult with her large sword and half-plate armor.

       "Okay, we should find a place to stay for the night." Ara' Sei said.

       "We should probably ask one of these shopkeepers where the best place to say is. We could also use some shopping." Eris pointed out.

       "What should we shop for?" Ara' Sei asked.

       "Weapons, supplies, anything you need really. Just nothing too extreme." Eris answered.

       "Alright, well, I can find a shopkeeper. Then, when we know where we're staying we can all go our separate ways." Ara' Sei said. After asking a nearby pottery vendor where the nearest cheap inn was he recommended the Devil's Treasure Inn. Ara' Sei thanked him and then led the group there. The inn itself didn't look like too much. Upon going in it seemed like a somewhat rowdy, yet ordinary tavern. After paying five silver for two rooms for the night. The group then split off.

       However, Cedric and Eris stayed in the inn room for a little while longer.

       "So, Cedric, there's something I need that this city'll probably have." Eris began.

       "Yeah, what is it?" Cedric asked.

       "Well. I think I would like to have a magic dagger, but we don't have enough money for it. I have enough arcane talent to be subtle. So I was thinking-"

       "To steal it, right?" Cedric asked.

       "Well, yeah." Eris replied. Cedric looked at them.

       "You said you wanted to run from your mistakes." Cedric pointed out.

       "The mistakes I made weren't just cases of petty theft Cedric. This'll be nothing. I can get away easy, but I think your magic could make it easier." Eris said.

       "You want me to help you?" Cedric asked.

       "Yes, I do." Eris answered.

       "Okay, well, I am willing to do that, but this magic dagger better be good and you better not get caught. Wait, there's... a capability I have that I haven't used quite yet."

       "Well, what is it?" Eris asked.

       "I can turn into an animal, but only a few. I don't think I know how to turn into birds yet." Cedric explained. Eris' jaw dropped.

       "You can do that? Well I think that makes this easier. Okay... uh, how about tomorrow, does that sound alright? Since I've noticed you take time in the morning to collect yourself." Eris said.

       "Okay, so what is the plan?" Cedric asked.

       "That spell that lets me climb up walls can be useful, or one that makes it easier for me to hide." Eris said.

       "I can do both of those!" Cedric declared.

       "Alright, just prepare to be sneaky and whatnot." Eris said. Cedric nodded enthusiastically.

       "You know, before I wasn't feeling so well about this but now I'm feeling great!" Cedric said excitedly. 

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