Chapter 23

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       Early the next morning, Ara' Sei woke everyone up so they could make it to the Sky Chaser before it departed. It was still dark when they got to the Sky Chaser, but the crew were already getting ready. There seemed to be a few others who had paid to be transported to Duskholme. However, the main purpose of the ship seemed to be carrying light amounts of cargo quickly. Soon, Ara' Sei was able to tell that produce was being transported on the ship.

       After about an hour, just as the sun was rising and the city began waking up, the ship departed from Aaronsworth. After a few hours, it was late morning, and the ship was surrounded by an endless expanse of water. Cedric was looking over the edge of the ship into the deep depths below.

       "Are there any hazards that we should be aware of?" Ara' Sei asked the captain.

       "Well, sea beasts don't live in waters this shallow, the only issue would be pirates. But, they don't usually attack ships on trading lanes, it's more likely for them to get caught." The captain explained.

       "Thank you." Ara' Sei said. Then, Ara' Sei rejoined the rest of the group, who had all congregated near the front of the ship.

       "Well, it's good to know that we will most likely be safe on this voyage. However, there is a slight chance that we may be attacked by pirates, so just be ready." Ara' Sei explained.

       "Alright, I'll make sure to have all of my combative magic ready." Cedric said.

       "My sword was born ready!" Ella said.

       The first day of the voyage was uneventful, the conditions were favorable, and if they continued the group would only have three days left in their journey to Duskholme. The next day, the group once again woke up early. The food on the ship was still fresh, so it was easily bearable.

       "Captain, there's a ship approaching from the distance!" Someone from the crow's next called. Cedric looked around, and his eyes immediately found the ship in the distance. In the early morning light it was difficult to see it clearly, but it was undeniably there. After half an hour, the whole group was watching the ship close in on them. Now Cedric could tell it was closing in fast.

       "I don't like this." Cedric said.

       "Me neither, be ready." Ara' Sei said. As the ship closed in on them further, a black flag was visible flying upon the ship's highest mast. The flag was black, but had a skull design on it.

       "They're pirates, men, prepare for battle!" Ella drew her sword. Ara' Sei stood at the ready. Eris slipped into the shadows. Cedric began muttering under his breath. As the ship drew near them, all aboard the Sky Chaser could hear the shouts of the pirates. And then, planks were mounted, and thirteen pirates spilled onto the deck of the Sky Chaser. 

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