Chapter 5

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       "I'm in!" Ella stated loudly.

       "Paranormal attacks? Was there anything out of the ordinary on the night the girl was killed?" Ara' Sei asked with urgency.

       "Not that we know of." The guard answered. Cedric closed his eyes and began muttering under his breath.

       "Tomorrow, I may be able to acquire some answers. But for now I'm not all that useful." Cedric explained.

       "It seems that this attack was worse than the last one. That was only one zombie. But this? We don't know what this is, and there were more of them." The guard stated.

       "We will accept your task, and if further attacks happen we will make sure to help you." Ara' Sei said.

       "How do we know you will pay us?" Eris asked.

       "They are desperate, too desperate to lie." Cedric whispered to Eris.

       "Will accommodations in the meantime be provided?" Eris asked.

       "We can definitely do that. Are you all okay with the payment?" The guard asked.

       "Yes, for a job like this it's good money!" Ella answered. The other members of the group nodded.

       "Well then, I will give you all your weapons back and take you to your accommodations." The group took all of their weapons back. And the guard led them to one of the inns. As the group entered The Lavorre Inn, they came into a room that looked like a restaurant. Tables and chairs were scattered about the room. The guard contacted the innkeeper, who then led them up to their rooms. The group decided they would need two rooms. They started by paying for a week in advance. For the two rooms it cost about three gold pieces for a week's stay. The guard, or now as the group knew him, the guard captain, happily paid for it.

       Eris and Cedric were staying in one room, while Ella and Ara' Sei stayed in the other. Once they had gone to their rooms, Cedric approached Eris.

       "Eris, why do you look like that now?" Cedric asked.

       "Oh this you mean." Eris answered, pointing at the visage they now carried. Eris snapped their fingers, and their form now appeared just as their normal self did. They pulled back their hood, revealing their jet black hair and dark half-orc skin. Two small tusk-like teeth protruded from their lower jaw.

       "Yes, that, can you tell me why. I'd like to know." Cedric said. Eris sighed.

       "Look, I... haven't always been the best at... sticking to the rules." Eris said nervously.

       "Look, Eris, I'm not one to speak about those things to the guards. You can tell me everything. I promise not to tell anyone else without asking you."

       "I'm not hiding anything!"

       "I know you are. I get how it can be hard to tell the-"

       "What would you know about telling the truth?! Trying to out me like that. I shouldn't have told you anything!" Eris shouted.

       "Okay okay! Okay. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be accusatory." Cedric replied, wildly fidgeting with his fingers.

       "Save it for someone who cares." Eris said sulkily. Cedric sighed before sitting on his bed, closing his eyes, and contemplating. 

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