Chapter 58

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       A few hours later, when it was dark, Ara' Sei stepped back onto the deck. She walked towards the stern and stared off past the deck of the ship. She watched the moonlight dance in the ocean swells. Then, she heard footsteps behind her. Looking back, she saw Zerai standing there, his eyes dazzling even in the dim moonlight.

       "I-, screwed up." Ara' Sei confessed quietly.

       "Okay. Why?" He asked calmly.

       "I'm... not sure. But I do need to know." She replied.

       "I think I may have an idea." Zerai said.

       "Really? What?" Ara' Sei asked.

       "You insist it's a gift, but I have it too. To call it a gift would be simplifying it." Zerai said.

       "You mean my power?!"

       "Yes. Both of us have somewhat similar powers, and we get it from the same place. We both share the same expectations. The thing is, I chose this, but I get the feeling that you didn't." Zerai said.

       "I, suppose you're right. I've never really thought about it much, it's a bit of a difficult subject." Ara' Sei responded.

       "Look, the world's evils will exist whether you fight them or not. As much as gods may insist otherwise, there will always be evil just as there will always be good. Besides, evil and good are constructs that differ between person to person, so the definition of good and evil will also change." Zerai said.

       "What's the point of fighting for a construct?" Ara' Sei asked.

       "Well, it can be your construct. Think about what we did back in Duskholme. What we did was very illegal and many consider us brigands for it. Many would consider it an evil or at least destructive act. But the way I see it, that doesn't matter because we fought for the good of those who didn't have any power. All of those laws and constructs failed to protect them. What I want you to think about is that all constructs have a purpose, including the definitions of good and evil. So, ask yourself, who benefits from that construct, and what are good and evil for you?"

       "Alright, I'll think about it, thank you." Ara' Sei said.

       "No problem, also, just make sure to apologize to Eris, I don't want this to go unresolved between you and them. Got it?" Ara' Sei nodded in response.

       "Alright, I'll leave you alone now." Zerai went back below decks, leaving Ara' Sei alone to think about the construct of good and evil, and in the end who benefited as a result of it. Then she went below decks, away from the breeze in order to not freeze to death in the colder and colder night. As morning came, the crew came up onto the deck bundled in cloaks, the cold beginning to become unbearable. Cedric was forced to use some of his magic on Eris, who was gripping a frost covered steering wheel. Ara' Sei approached Eris nervously

       "Eris, I'm... sorry for what happened yesterday. I lost control of my temper, and I'll do my best to not do it again." Ara' Sei promised.

       "It's fine." They replied, not taking their eyes off the wheel of the boat. Ara' Sei silently sighed in relief before going back to helping Cedric and Zerai give power to the sails. 

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