Chapter 139

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        Outside the manor, the four group members stood against Aaron and the remaining Atheiran cleric alone.

       Roya got up from the ground and clutched the symbol around their neck.

       "Oh glorious dawn! Give us strength to fight this tyrant, and this pretender of Atheira!" Roya shouted. The rising sun once again seemed to shine just a bit brighter as Roya spoke their words.

       Everyone's wounds began to mend, and everyone's bodies briefly glowed with sunlight. Then, they stepped forward and pointed at the cleric of Atheira. A spectral hammer with the symbol of Solan struck the Atheiran cleric, sending her reeling back.

       The cleric pointed at Ella, and the cleric's eyes glowed with blue light. Then, the cleric pointed at Zerai.

       "Attack!" The cleric said assertively. Ella's body glowed with blue light. Her eyes glowed blue, and she strained against something before relaxing.

       Suddenly, Ella charged towards Zerai with her blade. The first strike sent a spray of crimson flying from Zerai's chest.

       "Ella! What are you doing!" Roya screamed. Cedric temporarily froze, not knowing what to think.

       "Ella! It's me! Your friend! I'm not your ene-" But Zerai was cut off as an upward slash sent him reeling back and to the floor. Then, Ella stepped forward, still glowing, and plunged her blade into Zerai's chest.

       "Ella!!!" Cedric screamed. The blue faded away, and Ella shook her head and retracted the blade from Zerai's chest as quickly as she could and pointed at the cleric.

       "You spineless creature, try it again and you're mincemeat!" Ella shouted.

       Under his breath, Cedric muttered a word, and the gaping would in Zerai's chest barely healed over. His eyes opened and he clutched his chest.

       Cedric ran forward and a flame appeared above his hand. The flame flew towards the cleric. But, in his panic, the flame flew wide.

       Aaron extended the wand forward towards Ella and Zerai. The wand flashed with light, and the two were engulfed by an explosion. When the flames faded, their weapons lay spread across the ground, and both of them were limp.

       "Let's see how much healing magic you've got." Aaron said.

       Roya ran forward and placed their hands on Zerai. Both of them glowed with sunlight, Zerai was further healed, although it soon became clear that several of these wounds would become scars.

       The spectral hammer raised, then struck back down upon the Atheiran cleric. The hammer hit the cleric in the head, almost knocking her to the ground. But, she quickly recovered and pointed her finger at Roya. A blue bolt of radiant power flew towards Roya. But, clearly the hit to the head had made her dizzy, as the bolt sailed off course.

       Cedric muttered a word under his breath, and Roya's body glowed with emerald light.

       "Can you take care of them?" Cedric asked.

       "Yes!" Roya shouted back confidently. A flame appeared above Cedric's hand and hurled itself towards the Atheiran cleric. The flame slammed into the Atheiran cleric's chest, and with a gasp she fell to the ground, and lay there, barely able to breathe.

       Aaron pointed the wand forward, and let loose another explosion. Ella, Roya, and Zerai were all engulfed by the explosion.

       Zerai was knocked to the floor, unmoving. Ella was further burnt. Roya was left there, still standing. Their breath was heaving, and the repetitive explosions were taking a toll on them.

       Roya took a deep breath and placed their hands on Ella. Ella sat upwards and breathed in.

       "Thank you." She whispered to Roya.

       The Atheiran cleric pulled herself to her feet. Shaking, she pointed hand towards Roya, who was crouched on the ground beside Ella. A blue bolt of radiance flew towards Roya.

       Roya was struck back to the ground. Ella looked at the Atheiran cleric with all her fury.

       In one swift motion, Ella grabbed her blade, leapt from the ground, and charged towards the cleric. Using her momentum, Ella carried her blade through the shoulder of the Atheiran cleric, sending the cleric's dismembered arm flying. The cleric fell to the ground, once again unmoving.

       Cedric looked towards Aaron Servilus. The man who had treated Eris horribly. The man who had disrespected Eris' very identity. The man who had kidnapped Ara' Sei and Eris. The man who had almost gotten all of his friends killed.

       Cedric extended his hands forward, and from behind him a raging inferno poured and snaked its way to Aaron. A swirling inferno of unfathomable power swept over Cedric and slammed into Aaron. Above the roar of the inferno, Aaron's scream was audible.

       When the flames faded, one of Aaron's legs had been burnt off. He was now on his knees, trembling. But, he carved a glyph into the air, and suddenly, he vanished. 

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