Chapter 113

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Author's Note: Trigger warning for transphobia, which may be distressing for some readers.

       The man stood from his chair, and approached the group.

       "Not to worry, your introductions aren't necessary. Your name is Ara' Sei, yours is Zerai, yours is Ella, and you must be Cedric." Aaron said, pointing at each member of the group respectfully.

       "Now, as you may have guessed, your friend is in my custody. You see, he att-"

       "They." Cedric corrected.

       "Oh, he still hasn't escaped that tantrum, has he?"

       "They aren't having a tantrum. And we aren't having a negotiation." Ara' Sei said.

       "Oh, I don't think so. You see, in this situation, I have every power over you. I will not be compelled to fall for childish tantrums or hollow threats. You see, you possess something that intrigues me greatly. Unless you don't want your friend back, I'm going to need it." Aaron explained. Cedric's eyes widened as he realized what Aaron was referring to.

       "Ah, Cedric, you know what I speak of. A very special wand you came into possession of." Aaron said.

       "They wouldn't tell you that." Cedric said.

       "Not willingly anyway, but I have various effective methods." Aaron said. Cedric's eyes widened in horror, and tears built in his eyes.

       "Where are they?" Cedric asked.

       "Oh, I think Eris is here. Bring him in!" Aaron shouted. The doors behind the group opened, and four guards came in, two of which were dragging a barely conscious Eris. Cedric's hands began shaking. He took a step forward.

       "Not so fast."Aaron said. His hand was outstretched, and hovering in midair was a sickly green glyph. Cedric stepped back.

       "Now, if you give me the wand, I'll give you your lover." Aaron said, directing his voice to Cedric.

       "How do I know you won't double cross us?" Cedric asked.

       "It doesn't matter, you don't have much of a choice." The man said, glancing at one of the guards. The guard placed the speartip above Eris, ready to bring it down through the middle of their back.

       Cedric took the golden wand from his person, and threw it to the ground between the group and Aaron. Aaron got up from his seat to retrieve the wand, before inspecting it closely.

       "Release Eris, escort them off the grounds at once." The man commanded. Ella picked up Eris and carried them in her arms. Eris was fluttering between consciousness and unconsciousness. The group was escorted away. With a few healing spells, Eris was fully functioning.

       "Eris, what happened!" Cedric sobbed. Eris took a few moments to regather themself. Then, they sighed.

       "That man was my teacher. Unfortunately, I failed to kill him. Ara' Sei, listen to me." Eris said. Ara' Sei nodded.

       "What is it?" She asked.

       "If you were wondering what you were sent here to stop, it's him. Trust me, he is far more dangerous to this place than any demon. I thin- I know he's the one you've been sent to stop." Eris explained.

       "Are you positive, how dangerous is he?" She asked.

       "Well, he knows your names, your relation to me, and what you're all capable of. He also brought in some clerics of the local churches, and with him they... did something. It was unclear, but the point is he has political, religious, and arcane power on his side. When he wants us dead, we'll know pretty fast. I know he's planning something, he always did want more power. If he thinks we're in the way, then he will use everything in his power to kill us." Eris said. The whole group trembled at the thought of the foe they faced.

       "So, that's what we're facing." Ara' Sei said. She closed her eyes and breathed.

       "We will stop him, this time, we'll make sure he's gone." Ara' Sei promised. 

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