Chapter 172

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       Everyone was sitting around the table, aside from Lyra, who had taken the diced garlic and green onions. She threw them into the cauldron with the other ingredients she had put in. Then, she retrieved a massive ladle and began to stir the mixture.

       After some time had passed, she asked someone to put the flames out. Ara' Sei extended her hand outwards, and the flames sputtered down to nothing. Then, Lyra went back to the table.

       "Now we just need to give it a little time to cool down." Lyra said.

       The group talked about what they had really done on their travels. They talked about the people they had encountered such as Varhine and Roya. When it was time to eat, Cedric was able to magically fill all of their cups with water. The dinner itself was nothing special, but it did a decent job of filling the groups' stomachs.

       Afterwards, they cut open the pie. The pie appeared to be an apple pie, and within ten minutes all of it was gone.

       The house was small, but everyone was able to find a spot on the floor to unfurl their bedrolls.

       When it was dark, Lyra invited Ara' Sei to go outside. Everything was quiet behind the house, and there was nothing but the endless fields that stretched for miles into the darkness.

       "Ara' Sei, why did you feel the need to hide your magic from me?" Lyra asked.

       "I'm not entirely sure. I just... didn't know what you would think." Ara' Sei replied.

       "And what about lying in regards to what you've been doing?" Lyra asked.

       "I thought it would scare you too much." Ara' Sei said. Lyra put her hands on Ara' Sei's shoulder.

       "It does scare me. But I know you, Ara' Sei. I know you wouldn't take on anything you weren't ready for. I trust you out there." Lyra said.

       "So, you're fine that I just disappeared to go fight demons across the world?!" Ara' Sei asked.

       "Yes, I am!" Lyra answered.

       "Sorry, mother. I didn't mean to raise my voice at you." Ara' Sei said.

       "Look Ara' Sei. I'm no genius, but I can tell how much these friends mean to you. And I can tell how much the world has changed you for the better. What kind of parent would I be if I wanted to deprive you of that? I can't give you the life you want or make you happy, the least I could do is not get in your way." Lyra explained. Ara' Sei's eyes became wet, and they shone in the moonlight.

       "You... really mean that?" Ara' Sei asked.

       "Yes, yes I do, Ara' Sei. I've never had such ambitions. All it takes for me to be happy is a simple, boring life with Nathan. I don't understand your desire to go out into the world and fight things I've only heard wild tales about. But, I'm not going to get in your way. You've been doing just fine, and I know that you'll always be okay. Just, make sure to come back sometime and tell me about it okay?" Lyra asked.

       "I promise, mother." Ara' Sei answered.

       "Alright, and one more thing." Lyra said sternly. Ara' Sei froze.

       "Yes, mother?" Ara' Sei asked.

       "That man, Zerai. He's a keeper, got it!" Lyra said.

       "Okay okay okay, I get it!" Ara' Sei replied. Lyra laughed.

       "Goodness girl, I'm just kidding with you! But, he really is a fine man. He'd be perfect for you." Lyra said.

       "He's... beautiful, and it's more than just that. He's a warrior, he's kept going despite life not treating him well. He has so much more experience than me." Ara' Sei said.

       "I'm sure I'm going to hear all about him when you visit. Also, I want to hear what you've done from you, I'm not going to interrogate your friends, okay?" Lyra said.

       "Alright, next time, I'll tell you myself." Ara' Sei said.

       "Now, are you going to stay for tomorrow, or are you in a rush?" Lyra asked.

       "I imagine we'll stay for a little while at least." Ara' Sei said.

       "Okay. Now, go get some sleep." Lyra said.

       Then, the two went back inside and went to sleep. 

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