Chapter 28

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       The woods around Duskholme were somewhat sparse. Duskholme itself was built on an island not much longer than ten miles long, so the forests outside the city were sparse. The ground was bare of vegetation, and the trees were small and mangled by the constant wind.

       "So, where are we gonna wanna meditate?" Eris asked.

       "I have to consider it. There aren't any qualifications really, it's more just knowing the forest around you." Cedric explained.

       "Not helpful, but okay." The two looked around in the forest a bit longer. Fog was beginning to roll in, turning the sky a soft gray color. Then, Cedric found it.

       "Here, we should meditate here." The spot was a flat rock with two trees beside it that almost seemed to form an arch. The two of them sat down facing one another.

       "So, Cedric?" Eris asked.

       "What is it?"

       "How do you meditate when you're out in a forest like this?"

       "Well, first, you close your eyes. Then, you focus on the sounds of nature around you. Once you've become aware of all the sounds, then you focus on all of the feelings. The feeling of the ground, the feeling of air entering your lungs, the feeling of the temperature and humidity around you. Then, you focus on your emotions, how you're feeling, how you've felt, and how you want to feel." Cedric explained.

       "Okay, got it." Eris said.

       "No you don't!" Cedric said.

       "Okay, fine. You're right, I don't really get the appeal of that. But, you do it almost every day and you can smite people with lightning so I'll just trust you on it?"

       "You mean what I did to the pirates?" Cedric asked.

       "Yeah, that." Eris answered.

       "Well you did take out around the same amount of pirates as I did, and you didn't need any flashy lightning, you just needed a couple knives." Cedric said.

       "Well, lightning is way more impressive than knives." Eris pointed out.

       "Well anyways, I think lightning is far from the coolest thing I can do. I think talking to animals or making flowers is way more fun." Cedric said.

       "Well, in my opinion, the lightning is a bit cooler than the making flowers thing." Eris commented.

       "Alright, have your opinions. Now, first, let's focus on every sound that we can hear around us." The two sat in silence. Both of them payed attention to the birds, the echoing sound of the ocean waves in the distance, the rustling of the trees in the slight breeze, the sound of their own breathing, and the sound of... talking?" Cedric opened his eyes.

       "Eris, do you hear that?" Cedric asked in a whisper. Eris opened their eyes and shook their head.

       "Someone's talking, but it's just one person." Cedric explained. Eris stood up, and listened for a moment.

       "Now that you mention it, yeah, someone is talking." Eris whispered back.

       "What should we do?" Cedric asked.

       "I can go sneak up to them and see what they're doing." Eris answered.

       "Good idea, but let me help you." Cedric said. Cedric then put his hand on Eris and whispered an incantation. Eris suddenly felt faster and more agile.

       "Whoa." They whispered

       "Now, go." Cedric said. Eris slipped away, crouching behind trees and rolling behind bushes without making a sound. As they approached the sound, they peeked over the edge of a bush. They saw a half-elf man with dark skin, short dark hair, and eyes whose irises glittered like gold leaf. The man was talking to a squirrel that was curled in the palm of his hand. Eris knew then, they had found the man Ara' Sei was looking for. 

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