Chapter 179

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       "Yeah, I think we are." Zerai said.

       "Well! If you give me these tomes and fund me as I transcribe some of their contents, I will gladly go with you." Brie said.

       "Okay, that sounds good." Zerai said.

       "How much will this cost approximately?" Eris asked.

      "Several hundred gold at least. What? You expect me to risk my life over some small change? I know how rare my particular talents are, and I will monetize them!" Brie said.

       "Very well, we will help you." Ara' Sei said.

       Over the next several days, the group accompanied Brie as she went to shops, bought expensive ink, and spent hours transcribing spells.

       Brie was incredibly busy, and the transcribing of all the spells she found took four days. By the end of it, each member of the group had contributed one hundred eighty gold to help fund the process.

       By the end of it all, Brie was exhausted, and yet ecstatic.

       "Okay, I will gladly go with you. You gave me a treasure trove of magic!" Brie said. The group, including Brie, met up in the inn room.

       "So, we'll need to buy a ship, but that's very, very expensive." Zerai said.

       "I know where we can buy one, don't worry." Brie said. Alongside Brie, the group went to the docks of Point Sathus. After a thorough search with the help of Brie, they were able to purchase a boat.

       Unlike the boat the group had stolen previously, this one was designed for a small group like them. Additionally, the boat itself was far more simple. It was about forty feet from bow to stern, and about fifteen feet wide. It had an above and a below deck. One triangular sail was situated on the mast. It cost about twenty five hundred gold, but the group could afford it.

       The group made one final meeting in the inn.

       "So, we're going to set out into the Boiling Ocean, a place that has been designated a death trap by most." Eris clarified.

       "Don't worry, both me and Brie have magic that can alleviate its effects. I can create cold water easily as well. Not only that, but I'm now powerful enough to do something that will be very helpful." Cedric explained.

       "What's that?" Zerai asked.

       "I can alter the weather within a few miles of me. It lasts for about eight hours." Cedric said. The whole group looked at him with wide eyes.

       "Wait, you guys are that powerful?" Brie asked. Cedric nodded.

       "In that case, we'll probably survive this relatively easy, as long as Cedric is using his magic every day." Brie said.

       "Okay, when are we leaving?" Ella asked.

       "I think I need some more time to relax. I don't want to leave tomorrow, but the day after that." Ara' Sei said.

       "That seems like a plan." Cedric said.

       "Okay, the day after tomorrow, we go South into the Boiling Ocean." Zerai declared. Brie went back to her house, and the group went back to their own rooms. All of them were able to find rest, but they couldn't fight the nervousness within them.   

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