Chapter 185

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       Cedric watched helplessly at the battle from far above. But then, an idea came to him. He dove down to the ship. Then, he took out the wand from the hidden pocket he had put it in.

       "I have an idea for helping!" Cedric declared.

       Eris frantically regathered themself before stowing their daggers away for the moment. Then, they carved the crackling blue glyph into the air once again.

       "This'll be the only one I've got left!" Eris said. Then, they released the bolt of lightning. The volume of the thunder underwater hit everyone like an impact. Everyone's ears were ringing. But clearly, it was most painful for the dragon turtle, who roared upon being hit by the bolt.

       Its roar almost seemed to shake the water around them, and everyone could feel the sound reverberating through them.

       Brie carved a much smaller glyph into the water. Another pale blue ray of light shot towards one of the dragon turtle's fins. Despite the warm water, ice crystals shot up the dragon turtle's fin. Then, with a muttered word under her breath.

       Brie reappeared upon the deck of the ship. Strangely, switching between breathing underwater and breathing above was effortless thanks to Cedric's magic.

       "Yeah, I'm not sure I'll be of much help down there." Brie said, shaking frantically.

       Ara' Sei let another beacon flow into her fingertips. Then, she let it fly once again. The creature was easier to hit, now that it was much closer to the surface. The beacon slammed into the creature successfully once again.

       Zerai once again pointed his blade at the dragon turtle, and tried once again to do what he had failed to do before. But, he once again failed, and he once again cursed under his breath. He swam slightly closer to the dragon turtle.

       The dragon turtle unleashed another torrent of boiling water. This time, only Eris and Zerai were affected.

       Zerai pushed forward in spite of it, but Eris once again flailed around, crying out in pain.

       Ella continued her attempts to carve into the creature's thick hide. However, once again, she was only able to successfully carve into it once. But, the creature's dark crimson blood was beginning to cloud the water around her.

       Between the repeated batterings from above, a couple of lightning bolts, and a few hits from Brie and Ella, the dragon turtle was showing signs of wear and tear.

       Suddenly, a bead of red light from above flew through the water towards the dragon. Then, an orb of reddish white light erupted. A boom echoed through the water, followed by the impressive roar of the massive beast. Everyone who was underwater felt the boom in their ears painfully.

       From above, Cedric's outstretched wand was pointed towards the creature. The glow at the tip of the wand was dying down.

       Eris swam upwards towards the ship, and with a muttered word, they appeared on the deck, soaked with water. Like Brie, they experienced the strange easiness of the transition.

       "I don't know what else I can do down there." Eris said.

       "That's fine! Those lightning bolts were plenty." Brie said. Brie looked around her.

       "Does anyone else have anything really powerful?" Brie asked.

       "I've got a beam that'll probably hurt it." Ara' Sei said.

       "Use that!" Brie suggested. Following Brie's advice, Ara' Sei let the light flow into her arm. Searing pain erupted through her arm, but Ara' Sei focused on the shape of the dragon below. Then, she released her divine power. A flash illuminated everything with white, everyone on the ship had to turn away. The beam slammed into the dragon turtle's shell, and it pulled its limbs in convulsively. A massive, black hole was left in the creature's shell.

       From the deck of the ship, Brie cheered.

       "How many more of those have you got?" Brie asked.

       "Two more." Ara' Sei replied.

       Beneath the water. Zerai pointed his blade towards the dragon turtle, and tried his luck one last time.

       "Come on." He whispered, before muttering the incantation again. The creature froze in its convulsed position. Golden, spectral chains latched around it.

       "Finally." Zerai whispered, out of breath. The creature fought ferociously against the spectral chains. It took all of the creature's effort to fight out, but it was unable to do anything else.

       Ella attempted to continue carving into the dragon turtle. Even though she only managed to hit it once, she smiled as crimson water began to cloud around the spot she had struck repeatedly.

       From above, another red bead of light flew into the creature's shell. A red explosion of light sent another boom rocketing through the water. The creature roared in pain again.

       Brie looked around her, noticing the ripples in the water, the crimson in the water, the wind in the air. Ara' Sei's angelic wings.

       "Ara' Sei, on this next one, give this beam all the power you've got. Trust me, you can kill it right here!" Brie shouted up at Ara' Sei. Cedric and Eris gave her a strange look.

       "Are you sure?" Cedric asked.

       "More than sure!" Brie replied. Ara' Sei let the light flow into her arm. The searing pain escalated more and more. Ara' Sei groaned as the searing pain continued to build. Despite it all, she was focused on the black hole in the creature's shell. Then, just as she thought her arm would explode, she released the light.

       Everything flashed white. Ara' Sei felt her whole body go slack. Something roared. When the light cleared, there was no dragon turtle left, only a dark cloud of dust where it had once been. Ara' Sei was on the deck, breathing heavily.

       Brie cheered, and everyone who was above water looked to Ara' Sei with amazement. 

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