Chapter 108

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       Several days passed of the group travelling across the endless ocean of grass. Bright green, knee high grass swayed in wavelike patterns as it was hit by the wind. The scent of wildflowers drifted through the air. The warmth was a stark contrast to the constant, biting cold the group had grown accustomed to.

       On the sixth day of the journey, the group had taken camp in the grass as usual. They didn't need a fire, for nights were warm, even in the late fall of the year. Up North, it had felt like winter, but here it felt like Summer was still there.

       Eris and Cedric sat together in the grass.

       "It's beautiful here." Cedric said.

       "You'll get used to it soon, it got pretty boring for me." Eris said.

       "Well, you were alone." Cedric said.

       "I guess that's true. It's a lot harder to appreciate how pretty it is when you're running. I mean, technically I still am, but I'm surrounded by such powerful people. It would be difficult for anyone to assassinate me." Eris said. Cedric's eyes widened.

       "Oh my... this just got dark." He said. Eris laughed.

       "Trust me, it's not going to happen. Even there, I'll be careful. Besides, my teacher's dead, he can't hurt me anymore." Eris said.

       "What about all the other people there you pissed off?" Cedric asked.

       "Oh them? They're nothing. My teacher was the only really dangerous one." Eris said.

       "How so?" Cedric asked.

       "He had my kind of magic, one where you can make illusions and charms and whatnot, and he had a frighteningly good way with words too. If he couldn't convince you with words alone, he could charm you into submission, or trick you with illusions. He manipulates people, he manipulated me for a long time." Eris said.

       "How did you bring him down?" Eris asked.

       "He raised me to be an assassin, but he then found that I was far better with blades than he realized." Eris explained. Cedric nodded along.

       "I can't imagine having a teacher so... horrible." Cedric said.

       "What was your teacher like?" Eris asked.

       "She was supportive, she was kind, probably kinder than my parents. She taught me how to do magic in the first place. She understood what it was like to be an elf. She was so many things I hope I can be." Cedric said.

       "Where is she now?" Eris asked.

       "Gone. No one knows, I've said it before, but members of my druidic circle have been disappearing. We're supposed to guard the forest, so obviously something's been happening there that isn't right." Cedric said.

       "I'm... so sorry that you lost someone you cared about." Eris said.

       "It's alright, it's been a while, I've mostly been able to get over it." Cedric said.

       "Well, if it's any consolation, we will probably be more than capable of dealing with whatever this threat is once we're stronger." Eris said.

       "Yeah, you're right. I never even imagined I would possess this much magical prowess as a druid. But, here I am, able to teleport people halfway across the world and create icebergs." Cedric said.

       "Same here. Now I can teleport, not across the world but I can still do it." Eris said.

       "Yeah. And look at Ara' Sei! She vaporized someone with a beam of light!" Cedric said.

       "I know, I still think that's really crazy." Eris said.

       "Me too!" Cedric agreed. A moment of silence hung over the two of them.

       "So much of the things we've done are crazy, aren't they?" Eris said.

       "Yeah, I can't wait to do more crazy things." Cedric replied. Eris scooted closer to Cedric, and after a brief moment of pondering, they kissed Cedric.

       "Goodnight, Cedric." They said. Then, they felt Cedric's arms wrap around them, pull them closer, and he returned the gesture.

       "Goodnight, Eris." He said. The two fell asleep, Eris fell into a dark, dreamless sleep. Cedric spent the next few hours reliving the moment he kissed, content with the memory he would now have forever. 

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