Chapter 85

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       For the first time in so long, the group once again had a need for money. The remaining hours of the day were spent finding an inn for the group to rest at. Cedric spent five gold renting three rooms for the next week. Him and Cedric had one room, Ara' Sei and Ella had another. The final room was left entirely to Zerai.

       Cedric deeply treasured being able to sleep in a bed again. It felt like heaven in comparison to having to sleep on his cloak draped over ice. It felt even better to be sharing the bed with Eris, and to have the two of them being alone.

       The next day, the group was able to have a meal downstairs. Then, the group went off to do their own various activities, with the cumulative goal being to make money. Zerai and Ara' Sei went off together, and Ella insisted on staying behind. Eris and Cedric were in their room, sitting on the bed next to one another.

       "So Eris. Do you have any ideas for making money?" Cedric asked.

       "I do, but... it's going to be messy, and very morally ambiguous." Eris replied.

       "Oh, you're going to get someone to hire you for an assassination." Cedric realized aloud.

       "If you have a problem with it, you're welcome to stay here." Eris said.

       "It depends on who it is. Look, I just really don't want to kill someone who doesn't deserve it at all." Cedric responded.

       "Okay, well, if it's any consolation, we'll know who we're killing when we get hired. Depending on the job, I can do it on my own." Eris said.

       "How are we going to find a job like that?" Cedric asked.

       "Don't worry, I have methods of doing so. I'm going to find a place where we can get a job in that line of work. I can do the talking, but do you mind if you take an animal form on the way there?" Eris asked.

       "Of course, when are we leaving?" Cedric asked.

       "I mean, now works if it's okay." Eris said. Cedric transformed into a squirrel, and Eris put their hood over to conceal him. The day was once again cloudy, and Eris blended in well with everyone else. The streets were once again busy with people, market stalls lined some of the streets.

       An hour passed, and the late morning turned to early afternoon. Even amongst the busy streets, something finally caught Eris' eye. It was an unassuming sign outside a tavern, but Eris recognized it for what it was.

       Through Eris' hood, Cedric could see the sign. It looked like any normal sign, but Cedric could spot patterns in the speech, font, and punctuation. He assumed it was a secret code.

       Eris entered the tavern. Some of the patrons' heads turned towards them, but quickly went back to their own independent business. Eris approached the counter where the bartender was.

       "Hey, bartender. Gimme some good ale ay? I'll pay fully for it myself. I'm in the mood for somethin' strong, somethin' risky. You got somethin' like that or no?" Cedric could see subtle hand gestures woven into the speech. There was clearly somethin else going on here, but he couldn't understand it. The bartender stopped what they were doing and looked at Eris.

       "Come back here in the evening and I might have some of that strong, risky ale for ya." The bartender replied. Eris nodded, got up, and walked out the door. They navigated their way back to the apartment purposefully. When they were back in their room, Cedric leapt from Eris' hood and reverted to his normal form.

       "What was that?" Cedric asked.

       "Me asking for a job in a way that's relatively safe in public. The bartender said I should come back in the evening, so I'll wait a few hours." Eris said. The two waited for the afternoon to pass into early evening. Then, Cedric transformed again, and the two headed back for the same tavern in the gray, fading light. 

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