nie huaisang x burned!reader 🌿࿐

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▶ Requested by no one

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▶ Requested by no one

▶ More fluff and slight angst

▶ Male Reader 


[Y/N] stood next to Nie Huaisang as they both watched Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian bicker. Both males had fans though Nie Huaisang's fan was closed and [Y/N]'s fan was open and covering the bottom half of his face. 

[Y/N] leaned into Nie Huaisang's ear and whispered, "Did you guys get caught?" His hot breath against the Huaisang's ear sent shivers down his spine as he tried to control himself and opened his fan and leaned into [Y/N]. Both their fans were open, they covered both the males mouths so the other two could not really see what they were talking about. "Y-yes.. Wei-xiong got caught.. we were all punished.." That made the [H/C] haired male sigh. They both brought their fans down, while the [H/C] haired male brought his back to cover his face. 

"Hey I know! Let's go swimming!!" Wei Wuxian called out as he ran around while Jiang Cheng chased him. "Wei Wuxian!!" He yelled. (I can just hear Jiang Cheng yelling Wei Wuxian's name in anger..) Wei Wuxian simply laughed and chose to hide behind the [H/C] haired male who simply sighed. "Fine.." He muttered, not ready to reveal his secret that he had kept for so long. 

So here they were. Jiang Cheng. Wei Wuxian, and Nie Huaisang all just chilling and playing in the river. Wait I forgot about poor reader. He was standing off in the shade, refusing to go into the water. 

"Come on [Y/N]!!!" Wei Wuxian whined. Jiang Cheng elbowed him in the side. "Stop forcing him! If he doesn't want to then he doesn't have to!" Wei Wuxian pouted and splashed the angry male. That did it and now Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng were locked in a splashing fight while Nie Huaisang quickly got out of the river as to not be caught in the crossfire. He stood near [Y/N]

"[Y/N]-xiong.. We won't you come in the water with us...? I-If you don't mind me asking of course..!" The shy male said quickly, he didn't want to upset the male. [Y/N] smiled a little at the male he was so fond of. The only male he was fond of in a different way.. 

"I.. just don't feel like it today is all..." He lied. Nie Huaisang nodded and looked back at the battle that was happening. No one was winning and they were both soaking wet, clothes soaked and hair freed from their styles. 

The truth was that if [Y/N] did get into the water his clothes would stick to his skin. The clothes that he has are all pretty light weight and see-through because of.. his burns. When [Y/N] was born, about a few months later something happened and it drove his mother over the edge. She had lost her mind and just wanted her stress and worries to disappear. But alas they didn't and she somehow came to the conclusion that [Y/N], her new born baby, was the biggest of her worries. 

One day little [Y/N] had woken up from his nap and started crying because he was hungry. His mother was sat a little ways away from where he laid, making tea to try and calm herself. When he started crying, this only angered his mother even more. She picked up the boil hot water and walked over to where her child was and poured the water onto [Y/N].

This left the male with very bad and ugly burn scars. He always had to wear light weight clothes as to not agitate the old scars. He was afraid that they would be able to see the dark splotches through the see-through white fabric. 

[Y/N]'s mother of course was still alive but she hated him. She hated that day when she poured boiling water over him that it didn't just kill him all together. [Y/N]'s father had luckily come and took him away from his mother but his father didn't exactly love [Y/N]. He was cold and distant and only pretended to love [Y/N] when others were around. 

"It is getting late. Can you guys please stop fighting already?" [Y/N] asked, covering his face with his fan. But he was ignored. An irk mark appeared on his forehead. 'They are so asking for it.' 

"A-Sang, hold my fan." The male muttered scarily calm and handed Nie Huaisang his fan. Nie Huaisang shivered and nodded, not wanting to angry the male. [Y/N] took off all his layers until he was on his last layer before walking down and into the river. He dragged both the brothers by their ears until they were on land and then started to scold them. 

"Hey, A-[Y/N], what are those dark spots all over your skin?" Wei Wuxian pointed out once the [H/C] haired male had finally calmed down. [Y/N] froze. 'Shit!' He had completely forgotten about his fear of them finding our his secret. He was to blinded by rage. He looked away, refusing to look any one of them in the eye. 

"A-[Y/N]... What happened?" Wei Wuxian asked again. [Y/N] stayed silent. "[Y/N]-xiong.. W-what happened.. T-those look like bad burn scars.." Huaisang sounded worried. [Y/N] continued to look away from them. 

"Its nothing.." He muttered walking over to his over robes and started to dress again. "It happened a long time ago.. they are old.." Still he could feel the three intense holes that were being burned into the back of his head. 

Once he was fully dressed Huaisang handed him his fan back. [Y/N] muttered a thank you to the male. 

"A-[Y/N]... We are just worried about you.. Why.. Why have you never told us about those..?" Wei Wuxian asked, he seemed more serious and worried, his playfulness no longer visible. [Y/N] sighed and snapped his fan shut. "My mother did this to me when I was only a few months old. She hated me and she still does." He explained briefly before walking away. "Don't talk about this anymore.. It was kept a secret for a reason.." He muttered before leaving them. 


▶ Yes I did base the backstory off of Itsuki Ameno from Stars Align, thank you for noticing :)

▶ No part 2

▶ Not really Nie Huaisang x reader but oh well I tried :') Not really proud of this :''''')

Completed : 7/1/2021

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