lan jingyi x reader 💙࿐

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▶ Requested by no one 

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▶ Requested by no one 

▶ Fluff 

▶ Female Reader


I want to be your love for ever and ever,
Without break or decay.
When the hills are all flat,
The rivers are all dry.
When it thunders in winter,
When it snows in summer
When heaven and earth mingle,
Not till then will I part from you.

Han Dynasty

"Well? What do you think of my poem?" Lan Jingyi asked the [H/C] haired female. She blushed and giggled. "A-Jin.. You already have confessed your love for me a while ago. What need is there for you to write me a poem?" She smiled. His cheeks turned pink and he grinned back at her. 

"Just because I have already confessed my love to you doesn't mean that I can't do it over and over again!" He smiled brightly. "Do you not like my poem?" He pouted making the [H/C] haired female giggle and boop his nose cutely. "Your so cute A-Jin." She laughed as his face grew bright red.

Jin Ling watched in disgust. "Ew.." He looked over at Lan Sizhui who was smiling uncomfortably. "Make them stop. I hate it. Their so..lovey dovey..." He shuddered. Lan Sizhui just smiled nervously. "I cant stop them Young Master Jin.. Besides I think that they are..cute.. in their own way.." 

Jin Ling rolled his eyes. 

"A-[Y/N]! Can you make me some chicken?" Lan Jingyi asked cutely. [Y/N] laughed and patted his head. "Sure~ But how old is little A-Jin?" 

Jin Ling gagged. "She acts more like his mother or older sister than a girlfriend.." He muttered and grimaced. Lan Sizhui just smiled seemingly unbothered by them now. "Lady [Y/N] acts like everyones mother or older sister Young Master Jin." 

"Mm... A-Jin is turning 3 years old this year!" Lan Jingyi playfully held up three fingers as he laid in her lap. She laughed a little and covered her mouth with her sleeve. "I think A-Jin is turning 1 years old this year!" 

"No! three!" Lan Jingyi protested. "I will make you chicken but you have to get up." Lan Jingyi shook his head and smiled brightly. "I'm not hungry anymore." 

Jin Ling stood up and slammed his hands on the desk making Lan Sizhui jump. They were far enough away where the two love birds couldn't hear them. "Thats it! I'm done! I can't watch this any longer!" He yelled and walked away. Lan Sizhui just glanced nervously at the two love birds before getting up and following the male in yellow. He didn't want to be accused of eavesdropping. 


▶ Its very short because I have no idea what to write for him :') 

▶ Look no angst! 

Completed : 7/6/2021 

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