lan wangji x reader ❄️࿐birthday special

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▶ Requested by no one 

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▶ Requested by no one 

▶ Fluff

▶ Gender neutral reader - pronouns being used are they/them 


Lan Wangji sat calmly as both his significant other and their adopted son sat behind him, braiding his hair and placing flowers in the brown waves. Both of them giggling and whispering to each other - that in itself should have scared the Lan (for who knows what they could be planning - their very mischievous like that -) but he actually found it more endearing than frightening. 

"Baba!" The little, high voice, called out. 

Wangji hummed quietly, letting the child know he had heard him. 

"We're done! L-Look!" The child stumbled over his words. 

Lan Wangji turned his head to look behind him and saw that his hair was braided neatly, some strands had escaped though, with a million different types and different shapes and colors of flowers tucked into his hair. They looked dazzling in his hair. Even if they were all different colors and types, they still managed to go perfect with each other. 

[Y/N] watched as a small smile made its way to their husbands lips as he gazed in delight at his now braided hair. 

They felt pride swell in their chest as they picked up little Lan Yuan, holding him close to them. 

"Look A-Yuan! Baba likes it!" They cooed. 

Lan Yuan smiled brightly - and proudly - at that. He cheered happily, clapping his hands. His attention was soon snatched by a few white rabbits that hopped by the family. He immediately wanted to be let go and rushed after the rabbits, smiling and laughing happily. He blubbered some words that made no sense but only made him seem cuter. 

[Y/N] watched him and cooed at him. "He's so cute!" They smiled so wide that their cheeks began to hurt but they couldn't be bothered to care. They're son was so cute! How had they gotten this lucky? [Y/N]'s heart was warm and full. 


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Lan Wangji got up and sat down next to [Y/N], pulling them closer to him. They leaned into his touch, smiling happily. 

"Happy birthday Lan Zhan..." 

"...Thank you.. A-[Y/N]..." 

They sat in a comfortable silence, watching as Lan Yuan played with the rabbits, chasing them around, before he grew bored and moved onto chasing a butterfly that was a brilliant shade of red with black. 

It reminded the Lan of someone. 

"We decided to hold your official party tomorrow so that you could spend time with us... I hope you don't mind." [Y/N] spoke up softly. 

"I don't mind." 

[Y/N] smiled. He was perfect



▶ I know its short but its so cute !! 

▶ Also inspired by this picture I found on Pinterest lol- 

▶ Also inspired by this picture I found on Pinterest lol- 

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rapunzelji <3 

Completed : 1/23/22

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