jiang cheng x reader 🍇࿐

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▶ Requested by no one

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▶ Requested by no one

▶ Slight angst with some fluff

▶ Female reader 


[Y/N] and Jiang Cheng had gotten into yet another fight. 

"J-just stop!" [Y/N] screamed. "Stop hurting A-Ling like you have been!" 

"Hey needs to learn one way or another!" Jiang Cheng yelled back. 

"He's only 6! He has time! Stop forcing he to grow up!" [Y/N] pleaded. 

Jiang Cheng scoffed, turning away from the [H/C] haired female. 

"W-why did I ever marry you.. you.. have changed..." He heard her mutter. In an instant his heart shattered. He didn't mean for this to happen. Any of this. 

[Y/N] turned and was about to leave when Jiang Cheng pinned her to the wall. She thought he was going to hit her but instead he kissed her, hard. "Don't ever get angry at me again I love you too much to lose you." He was really close to crying. He couldn't lose another person he cared about. 

[Y/N]'s [E/C] eyes widened slightly before she started to cry. Jiang Cheng released her and she hugged him tightly. "P..Please just stop being so harsh on A-Ling.. h-he's only 6.." 

"I..I'm so sorry.." Jiang Cheng muttered and buried his face into the crook of her neck. "I.. I never wanted this.." 


The next day [Y/N] walked out to the training fields with some Lotus root and pork rib soup in hand. Jiang Cheng and Jin Ling were training. She stopped and watched them, they hadn't noticed her yet. 

Jin Ling managed to hit really close to the center of the target. Jiang Cheng smiled softly and ruffled his hair. "Good job, next time you will hit dead center." [Y/N] found herself smiling softly at the scene. Jin Ling grinned widely at the praise and nodded. 

"You two are getting along." [Y/N] smiled as she walked out from the shade. Jiang Cheng jumped slightly and turned around. Jin Ling's smile widened even farther. "Aunt!" He screamed and rushed over to her. He hugged her leg and she moved the tray to one hand so that she could pat his head. "Hello A-Ling." 

"Did you see me? Did you? I was so close!" 

[Y/N] did a closed eye smile. "Of course. You were so close. I'm very proud of you." Jin Ling was practically glowing with praise. 

"Come you two, take a break. I have made lunch." They all walked over and into the shade. [Y/N] passed out the bowls and then filled them. "I hope you like it.." She tucked a piece of hair behind her ear bashfully. 

Jin Ling took one bite before everything was gone. [Y/N] laughed at that. "A-Ling, slow down. There is more in the pot." She wiped some soup off his cheek. 

Jiang Cheng almost started crying. It didn't taste exactly like when his sister had made it but it still was comforting to eat it again. 

"A-Cheng, is it okay?" 


[Y/N] smiled. "I'm glad." 

She put her hand on top of his. 

"Aunt, can I have some more?" 

[Y/N] laughed and moved her hand away from Jiang Cheng's. "Sure A-Ling, here." 

Jiang Cheng smiled fondly at the scene. 


▶ I love this lmao and I don't even like JC that much- 

▶ inspired by -

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Completed : 7/26/2021

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