wei wuxian x sassy!reader 🥀࿐part 2

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Modern au

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Modern au

▶ Requested by - @_Min93Yoonji_ and @KellieChan83 and @Mei_97 

▶ Fluff 

▶ Female reader


Wei Wuxian let out another sigh. He was currently at the library trying to find the book that a certain [H/C] haired female had been reading the other day.

Now don't get him wrong, Wei Wuxian didn't hate reading per se but he didn't enjoy it. But for her he would do it. He wanted to get to know her better and if that meant reading then he would do it without any hesitation. 

Wei Wuxian looked down tiredly, shoulders slumping. He had been looking for hours now and he had gotten nowhere. He thought about giving up and maybe just asking her for the book after she was done with it. 

That was until she walked into the library. 

Wei Wuxian heard the library door open and thought nothing of it until some [H/C] hair caught his eye. He turned around and saw her, [L/N] [Y/N], heading over to a bookshelf near him. Wei Wuxian froze as his heart sped up. 

'Come on! This is your chance!' Wei Wuxian bit back his nerves and made his way over to the girl who wasn't paying attention. 

"Hey! You're the girl from yesterday!" He grinned, waving to her as he walked over. 

[Y/N] jumped when she heard his voice. She turned around from the bookshelf to look at him, arms full of books. Her eyes widened slightly before she narrowed them at him. "I thought I told you to leave me alone." She scowled. On the inside, however, her heart was about to beat itself right out of her body. She felt dizzy. It was so hard to act natural around him. 

He grinned sheepishly. "I'm not very good at listening..." 

"Is that suppose to be funny?" 

"If you want," He shrugged casually. 

"I've seen your grades, they suck." She stated bluntly, turning back around to the bookshelf and acted like she wasn't the least bit bothered by him. 

"Eh.." He chuckled. "Anyway, what brings you here? Oh! What are you looking for?" 

"I happen to like reading, and I don't have to tell you anything." She said simply. Wei Wuxian pouted at the lack of friendliness. 

"Oh! It's a good things that you're here, I wanted to ask if I could read the book you were reading yesterday. I have looked everywhere but I can't find it." [Y/N] froze. 'That book.' 

"You can't read that." She interrupted him immediately. "Eh?" Wei Wuxian stopped. "Why not? If its something personal then I'm sorry I didn't know but why not?" 


"Why not?" 


"Are you mad at me?" 


"You are aren't you! I didn't even do anything!" Wei Wuxian cried. 

[Y/N] said nothing. Her hand was frozen in place, reaching out to grab a book but never moving. Her head lowered downwards, hair covering her face. 

"I wrote that book!" She snapped, head whipping upwards. Her usual sassy, cold facade nowhere to be seen. Her [E/C] eyes were filled with tears as her lip trembled. 

Wei Wuxian stopped talking immediately and blinked in surprise. 'What..' 

That would explain it. 

"You... wrote that..?" He spoke slowly. 

"Yes! Okay! I like to write stupid stories! Now leave me alone!" She glared weakly at him, cursing herself in her head. She hated herself right there for how weak she was acting and wanted nothing more than to disappear. 

Wei Wuxian was silent for a moment before he grinned. [Y/N] was dumbfounded. How could he smile? 

"Thats amazing! Can I read it? It must be good if you wrote it!" He rambled on. His outburst surprised the [H/C] haired female. 

"Y..you want to... read it..." She sputtered. He nodded eagerly. "Yes! I really dislike reading but if you wrote it then I want to read it!" He smiled brightly. 

"W-why...?" She asked weakly. "I.. all I have been to you is mean... I've continuously pushed you away... I never showed any kindness to you.. y-yet.. yet you still keep coming back... s-so.. why?" She cried, dropping all the books. They fell to the floor with one loud 'thud'. 

Wei Wuxian's smile turned soft. "I really like you. The truth is.. I have like you since I first saw you. I was always to chicken to talk to you until I was dared to.. The other dare I sucked up my nerves and talked to you. I thought it was quite funny how you reacted to me and I wanted to talk to you even more, even if I was a coward." He chuckled nervously. 

[Y/N] stayed silent. Slowly processing the new information. 

"Y-you like me..?" She whispered. 

Wei Wuxian nodded nervously. 

[Y/N] bit her lip. "I-I really like you to... a-and I'm sorry for h-how I treated you..." Her cheeks slowly turned rosy. 

"Ayia! Are you blushing?" Wei Wuxian smirked, teasingly. "Is little [Y/N] blushing?" 

Instantly [Y/N] scowled, her normal cold, sassy, facade back. She playfully rolled her eyes and hit Wei Wuxian's arm. "You ruined the moment, dumbass." 

Wei Wuxian grinned cheekily. 


▶ Idk shawty. The confession is kinda cliche and cringe 🙈🤭

▶ I know how nerves are and I wish I could just shove them down like that-  But imagine having someone try/do something they don't really like because the person they like likes it... thats so cute 🥰️

Completed : 8/21/2021

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