Chapter 82: Erased

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Serah POV

"I don't know, but each of the tubes wore one name only. Serah. It was your blood."


My limbs froze in place.

The hairs tried to exit my pores and the liquids no longer flowed in my body. Time paused and my brain was still trying to register the coming information.

Hundreds of tubes with my name and probably my blood.

"How would you know it's my blood?"

Max's lips were tight-close but she still answered.

"Actually we just suspect it, it's already in the lab getting tested. In less than a week, I'll send you the full report. But don't get your hopes up, it was neither werewolf nor human blood."

The atmosphere started to get heavier as we stayed in silence. Eos concerned look deported towards the huntress.

"Is that all you found?"

The girl nodded, however her hands for the first time moved and drew patterns I couldn't recognize and their eyes spoke a language I couldn't comprehend.

They let the awkward silence flood the air until one of them decided it was the right time to cut short the call.

Only the mechanical sound of the device resonated between us.

"Would you mind translating your latest exchange?"

I asked, my eyes lost in their own lines.

"We'll talk later she said, probably in Ice Moon."

My tongue hid itself in the back of my throat, not knowing which word to choose. Goosebumps ran over my shoulder and the extremity of each of my fingers were starting to get rigid-cold.

What do they want me for? I thought they needed my power but it was more complicated. A few cells and it might end up in an anarchy.

"Serah, stop overthinking. I need to go not only for the alpha kids but also to know more about what's going on. If it's really what I suspect then, you, staying here won't be safe anymore."

His advice was pointless. My neurons were too fast to roam around and come up with all the possible outcomes of the disaster in waiting.

"Is that why me being dead was an option?"

"What option?"

He asked, in dismay.

"That I'd be the source of the soon to be coming chaos."

Eos embraced me in a tight squeeze, transferring to me the warmth I was lacking. For once after the disturbing news my vision regained its focus.

His sunlight-like hands cupped my pale cheeks.

"The Silverknight would let this entire world burn if it means to have you safe. So don't you have any stupid ideas, why should the hero die so the villain could prosper? Serah, you're already a blessing in our heart and so you are for the werewolf species, there are far more people willing to fight for you, to fight for their protector. It'd be insulting if you, yourself, give up."

I welcomed his generosity with silence.


The sun was falling to the west as my head was hanging by the clouds. My thoughts drenched in angst comparable to acid rain

I realised only now, how dangerous the situation was, how my entire existence was a miracle, thus why I was coveted. It was beyond my understanding.

Uncle was already on his journey, Kamil had a day off so he wouldn't have to see my face every hour of the day and Jay was away still.

She led me to him (Werewolf story)Where stories live. Discover now