Chapter 93: The weight of my wrongdoings

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Serah POV

"Eos what's wrong?"

He looked at me, mirroring my confusion.

"Serah what did you do? How did you change your body's natural composition?"

His words made no sense, but his worry was contagious and there was nothing I could think of to why he was panicked.

Well maybe I had a hint.


"How does it even work?"

I was baffled to say less. His mismatched eyes were scanning me like an x-ray, as if there was something he could see.

"Even if I can't see it, little squirrel, I can sense it, and you're playing a dangerous game. So tell me how you did it?"

Was he dumb or did he try to break my nerves? I was suffocated by his overwhelming aura, pressuring me to tell the truth but I was lost.

There was nothing I did that deserved his harsh interrogation.

"I don't know I swear!!"

I launched back. His presence only was enough to have overwrought.

"Serah, think clearly, is there something you forced your body to do? When you were with your Jay did you feel unsafe? Should I kill him?"

What nonsense was he spouting now. Why would it be Jay's fault? However, the mist above my head was slowly clearing up. There was that thing that I did.

"Uncle, there might be something I did that comes to mind but I don't think it has anything to do with what you're referencing."

"If your gut is speaking then you don't need anything more. It is enough of a validation, so would you mind telling me what you have done?"

The man was execrable, always being right, making others look like a fool when he was the biggest one.

I moved my palms over my thighs as I tried to remember the last sensation I forced onto my body.

The memory of that moment was still vivid in my head, apart from that there was no other suspicious move I could have made.

"I wouldn't know how to explain it, but I did try to hide something from Jay but the bond-"

The man moved my focus back to his heterochromia. Blue or amber, the shock was the same.

"Tell me again!!"

"That was what I was trying to do if you didn't realise."

If he let me finish, he would have the entire story, was he a kid to interrupt, everytime.

"Serah, I heard enough. Just answer me! Did you manipulate the mate bond to your own advantage?"

"No I didn't."

The man scrunched his nose in disbelief. he moved away from the bed and started pacing on his own.

I tried to reach out but he was all alone whispering under his shaved beard.

I was tired.

I needed to admit defeat in this instance.

A respected lycan, mopping my floor with his unusual thoughts. I could bet that some of these Ice Moon wolves would be jealous.

I gagged just imagining my uncle being the idol of so many. If they knew how he was in reality.


I cried in pain.

Like I was saying, what did I do to deserve his pinching?

My arm was getting red from the aggression.

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