talking about the future together (requested)

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You glanced at the clock on the nightstand and groaned again upon finding that it's now two-fifty in the morning. You've been wide awake for the last almost three hours since you and Ryujin called it a night and came up to bed.

With so much on her plate, Ryujin is utterly exhausted and as soon as her head hit the pillow, she was out cold.

You've been trying to lay still so you wouldn't risk waking her and ruining her sleep. You know she needs it.

But with no sign of sleep in sight for you after even three hours, you're getting a little frustrated. You didn't know how to get to sleep tonight and, as much as you dreaded the idea, you wondered if Ryujin would be willing to help you somehow.

You moved closer to her and laid your hand on her back. She lifted her head right as your cool fingertips fell onto her skin.

"Y/N?" She mumbled and rubbed her eyes before glancing at the clock. "Oh, y/n, it's three in the morning."

"I know. I'm sorry for waking you. I just can't fall asleep."

She turned onto her back and fought her hardest to keep her heavy eyes open. She opened her arms for you and when you moved into them, she wrapped them around you to keep you warm and secure while you put your head on her chest.

"Why can't you sleep? Just not tired?" She asked curiously, staring down at you despite how badly her eyes wanted to slip shut again.

"Yeah." You sighed and took one of her soft hands into yours before intertwining your fingers and playing with them. "Ryujin? Do you ever think about the future?"

"Oh yeah. A lot, babe."

You waited for a second, letting the comfortable silence hit the air before you specified what you were asking.

"I mean, our future."

"Of course I do." She whispered without hesitation and when you looked up at her, she sent you a bright yet sleepy smile. "You know I do. I love you lots and I swear that I only fall even more in love with you each and every day that we spend together."

Your heart melted as she began to brush her thumb along your knuckles while she spoke from her heart.

"I don't know what's gonna happen in the future. There's a lot I'm unsure about. But, one thing I know for sure, one thing I see through it all, every step of the way with me, is you. You're the one and that I know for certain."

You lifted your head and stared at her with stars in your eyes, finding her staring back at you with the same soft and adoring expression.

"I don't know what the future holds. But, the one thing I do know is that if you're by my side, it's bound to be bright and beautiful." She spoke softly as she reached down to caress your cheek then leaned down for a kiss.

"Sometimes, the idea of the future scares me." You confessed. "But then, I really think about it, and I see us. I see little fluffy animals and us living life to the fullest, sharing our hopes and dreams with each other. Cheering each other on, having the most exciting time together, standing by each other through the good and the bad."

She kissed you again, this time letting her lips linger on yours for a split second.

"Just like right now." She whispered as she brushed a lock of hair behind your ear. "You know I've got you through it all, my girl. That'll never change."

You put your head back on her chest and listened to the beat of her heart as she brushed her hand along your back in circles and kissed your head softly, lingeringly.

"I love you." You whispered. "Sorry I kept you up."

"It's alright. I wasn't even tired, anyways."

She was fibbing and you knew that. But it was just another reason why you love her; she's always there to make you feel better, putting you first when you really need her.

You'd do the same for her in a heartbeat, even if you were as drained from your busy week like she is.

"You know I love you too, baby." She added. "To the moon and back."

You started to drift off to sleep, knowing she'd be in your dreams tonight as you envision your future ahead with her. You know you're going to love every second with her by your side.

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