she forgets your birthday (requested)

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You rolled over in bed, hoping that Ryujin would pull you closer as the absence of her warm embrace stirred you from your sleep.

However, when you rolled over, you felt the empty sheets against your fingertips. You sat up and rubbed the sleep from your eyes to look around the room.

You know what today is and you figured she did too. You know Ryujin. You know how important your birthday is to her, even though it's not to you. So you doubted she'd be too far.

And you were right.

Just a few seconds later, you heard her footsteps as she padded across the floor to the bedroom.

She was humming along to a song that was stuck in her head.

She was surprised to find that you were awake when she looked over to the bed but her smile was bright when she noticed you.

"Good morning, sweet girl." She smiled as she made her way to you, giving you a loving kiss on your forehead.

"Good morning, Ryujin." You smiled back at her but it quickly fell from your face when you watched her reach for her shoes.

You tried not to let your mind wander. Maybe she has something in mind that she hasn't told you about.

Perhaps she'll turn to you with those bright eyes and tell you to get ready and give you a sweet birthday kiss before you go to get dressed.

But that's not what happened.

She let out a sad sigh as she put on her shoes and said,

"I have practice with the girls again today." She turned to face you, reaching out to brush a lock of your hair behind your ear. "I don't know when I'll be home. There are a few things coming up, so we've got a lot to get done."

"What?" You asked, almost in shock, which confused Ryujin. "I thought you were staying here with me today."

"No, baby." She said, eyebrows furrowed. "What would make you think that?"

"Uh, because you said you'd be staying home with me on my birthday."

Her heart dropped.

Was this another prank of yours? Did you mix up the days?

"No, babe, it's not your birthday. It can't be. I wouldn't forget that."

She reached for her phone and turned it on. She saw the date and it felt like a stab to her heart.

She's never forgotten such an important day before. You're approaching your second year together and she's never forgotten something like this.

She remembers everything; date nights, birthdays, anniversaries. She never forgets them.

"You forgot, didn't you?"

As if Ryujin hadn't felt guilty before, now she felt a rush of sadness flood over her when she heard how crushed you were, judging by the tone of your voice.

"No, I didn't." She said as she took your hand into hers.

But you know her like the back of your hand. You saw right through her lie.

"Yeah, you did. I can see it in your eyes."

Her shoulders dropped, her heart shattering in her chest as you lower your head in sadness.

"I'm so sorry." She said as she squeezed your hand. "You know me, baby. I'd never do something like this intentionally. I love you way too much to ever do that."

You nodded but you didn't look up at her until she put her hand beneath your chin and tilted it up, giving you no choice but to let her look into those sad eyes of yours.

"I feel so awful."


"Don't." She said as she pressed her finger to your lips. "Don't tell me that you understand or that it's okay. That's not working today. You're sad, you feel let down. I see it in your eyes and I completely get why."

"I just don't want to spend my birthday without you. You're all I want, today and every day. I don't want or need anything else."

"I know." She said as she brushed her thumbs along your cheeks. "Don't worry. I'm not going anywhere unless you come along with me. No practice, no studio, nothing like that today."

"But I thought you had to practice?"

She shook her head.

"No. The girls never forget your birthday, they wouldn't let me miss it. I got my days mixed up. The only things I'm doing today are whatever you decide. It's your special day. Tell me how you want to spend it."

"I wouldn't mind going out for dinner later and maybe curling up to watch that movie I've been wanting to see with you."

"Well, that sounds perfect." She smiled and gave you a quick kiss. "Please forgive me. I'll never forget anything like this again."

"I know, Ryujin. Don't worry, I forgive you. I just want to be with you today."

She took off her shoes and laid back down in bed with you, pulling you as close as she possibly could.

"You've got me. I'm not going anywhere. I promise." She said and gave you one more sweet kiss before pulling away with a smile on her face. "Happy birthday, beautiful."

"Thank you, Ryujin." You said with bright eyes and that cute smile on your face that she loves so very much.

She wouldn't be leaving your side today. Not even for a minute. She was going to spoil you, even more so than she usually does.

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