you fall asleep studying (requested)

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Ryujin found it odd how quiet the house was when she walked inside.

It's not that late, just a little after ten o'clock, and she thought you'd be downstairs studying with one of your favorite shows quietly playing in the background.

But everything was quiet, although the lights were on.

She called out your name as she walked upstairs.

"Y/N? Babe?" She yelled out as she walked down the hall.

She wasn't sure why you weren't answering.

She thought, maybe, you were too focused on trying to study or maybe you had your headphones in so you could listen to some music and keep yourself focused and determined.

But as she walked into your shared room, she was surprised to find that you were actually sound asleep.

You were sitting at your desk with papers and books all over in front of you.

She saw you had gotten yourself a few snacks to keep yourself focused, a couple of bowls beside the books.

Your pen was still in your hand and your hair was a mess, like you've been tugging at it and brushing your fingers through it a lot.

She walked to you and put her hands on your shoulders.

"Y/N? Wake up, sleepyhead," she chuckled as she rubbed your shoulders but you just let out a few soft sounds and continued to sleep.

She closed your books, using different things like sticky notes and bookmarks you keep handy for when you read to make sure you didn't lose your spot in your books.

She pulled the pen out of your hand and put the cap on it for you before pulling the chair back.

"Okay, my love. It's time for bed." She said as she lifted you from the chair and into her arms, carrying you across the room to your shared bed.

You were already in your pajamas as well as one of her shirts.

You've been trying to stay as cozy and relaxed as possible because you're busy with university and studying as much as possible.

You've got a lot on your plate and she knows you're stressed. You've been lacking so much sleep so she understood that it was beginning to catch up to you.

She gently laid you down and covered you up. She curled up beside you and began to stroke your cheek.

She didn't mean to wake you but her eyes lit up when you opened your eyes and stared into hers.

"Hi, darling."

"Hey, Ryujin," you mumbled as you opened your eyes. "When did you get home?"

"Not long ago," she said. "You fell asleep studying. Found you at your desk."

"I've been so stressed." You sighed. "Im just so tired."

"I know. You need and deserve to get some sleep. So rest up."

You put your head on her chest and felt her wrap her arms around you to hold you close as you closed your eyes and began to fall back asleep.

"I love you, baby." You whispered.

"I love you more, my love. Sleep tight and have sweet dreams." She said and kissed your head a few times as you fell fast asleep with a small smile on your face.

Ryujin Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now