is it time? (requested)

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You exhaled shakily as you exited the bathroom, turning off the light behind you.

You slowly padded across the room with shaking hands, making your way over to Ryujin.

She was sleeping soundly, only to wake up as soon as your hand fell onto her shoulder.

"Hey, baby. Why are you up? It's three am." She said before reaching over to turn the lamp on with a yawn.

"I had to use the bathroom." You said and watched her eyebrows furrow.

Why would you wake her up for that?

But then it clicked.

You pressed your hand against your bump and stared at her as she put the pieces together.

"I woke up about ten minutes ago. I felt like I had cramps. They're getting worse."

"Oh my god. Are you saying...?" She asked a grin pulled at her lips. "Is it time? Our baby is coming!?"

You nodded your head and she pushed the blankets away quickly.

She's been through this moment a few times already just as a practice run.

She did it so she'd know what to do when the moment arrived.

But now, she's so excited yet so nervous and she almost feels like her heart is going to explode.

"Okay, let me think. The bag is in the car, everything is packed," She said as she paced around the room.

Meanwhile, you had to sit down on the bed as the pain was starting to get more intense and closer together.

You let out a groan and Ryujin's attention quickly shifted to you.

"Oh, baby," She said before hurrying to your side.

She took your hand and let you squeeze it tightly.

"Squeeze my hand, my love. Squeeze it tight." She encouraged. "You're doing so good, you're so strong."

You clenched your teeth a little before you sank your teeth into your lip, only for Ryujin to brush her finger across it to wordlessly tell you to release it.

"I've got you." She said and brushed her fingers across your hand softly.

Finally, the pain went away, and you let out a deep breath before looking at Ryujin.

You both knew that the journey of bringing your baby into the world wouldn't be painless or easy.

But you both knew it was going to be worth every second.

So as she laid her forehead against yours, she brushed her other hand across your cheek and stared into your eyes.

"Our baby is coming."

"I'm so excited." You said.

"Me too!" She grinned from ear to ear. "So let's do this. Let's go to the hospital and have our baby."

You nodded and she kissed your temple softly before getting up.

"Stay here. I'll be back in a second." She said before grabbing your shoes and returning to your side. "Okay, I'm here."

She put your shoes on your feet and then put hers on too before grabbing your hand.

She led you down the steps and out the door before locking the house up.

She took one last look at it and with a flutter in her heart, she realized that you were leaving as two and coming back as a family in a couple of days.

It melted her heart and left you both feeling excited, despite the nerves about what was ahead in these next few hours.

It was all going to be worth it.

And neither of you could wait for your little one to enter the world.


Ryujin Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now