she catches you crying but you try to hide it from her (requested)

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"Y/N? Baby, where are you?" Ryujin asked as she looked around the house for you after arriving home after a tiring day in practice.

It's early in the evening though and she wanted to spend some quality time with you.

But she can't seem to find you anywhere downstairs, which is where you usually are when you're home about this hour, with your favorite show on.

"Baby? Are you home?" She called out as she walked up the stairs.

She padded down the hall to the bedroom but before she walked in, she froze upon hearing what sounded like cries falling from your lips.

The sound shattered her heart instantly and the need to pull you into her arms and make you feel better instinctively rushed over her.

She walked into the bedroom and at the sound of her feet on the floor, you lifted your head and dried your cheeks.

"Hey, Ryujin." You smiled through the tears in your eyes and the tear stains on your cheeks. "When did you get home? How was your day? Amazing, I hope."

She frowned as she sat down beside you.

You were trying to pretend as if you hadn't just been nearly sobbing a moment ago.

"Y/N, don't hide it from me." She whispered as she opened her arms for you. "I heard you crying. You don't have to pretend like you weren't. It's okay to cry around me, you know that."

She watched your bottom lip wobble as the tears filled your eyes again.

"Shh, come here, darling." She whispered as she pulled you onto her lap. "It's okay. I'm here with you now. Tell me what's wrong."

You sniffled as you buried your face in her neck, finding comfort in the brush of her hand along your back and her lips brushing against your head.

"I just had a bad day."

"Oh, my love," she sighed sadly. "Tell me about it."

"It was just awful. From the moment I walked out the door. It seems like everything went wrong. It felt like the world was against me today. I couldn't wait for it to end. I thought I'd feel better but I got home and I just couldn't help but cry."

"That's okay, baby. Everyone has bad days and there's nothing wrong with crying when you feel the need to. Don't be ashamed of that." She said and stared down at you adoringly as you sniffled and stared up at her. "Tomorrow will be a better day."

"What if it's not?" You mumbled and she brushed her thumbs along your cheeks, catching your tears as they fell from your eyes.

"Then we'll sit here together like we are now. You can tell me all about it and I'll hold you and let you cry and dry your tears." She promised and smiled a little.

"How'd I get so lucky?" You asked with a smile tugging at your lips.

"I wonder the same thing every day." She said before she gave you a short but sweet kiss. "Don't hide from me when you cry. Let me be here for you and comfort you when you need it."

"I promise I won't anymore." You said and she smiled a little brighter at you as she kissed you again, her lips lingering on yours for a moment longer than before. "I love you."

"I love you too, baby." She said as she hugged you again, telling you again and again that she hopes, so very much, that you'll have a much better day tomorrow; because you deserve it.

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