it's kinda hot (requested)

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"I'm so happy that you're here and we can finally spend some time together. I've been missing my best friend!" You said as you playfully elbowed Ryujin.

Every time those two words leave your lips, she feels a pang of sadness deep within her.

She hates calling you her best friend and hearing you call her the same thing in return always makes her wish that she just had the nerve to confess to you, although she's just too afraid to do so.

"Yeah, same." She said.

And although she sent you a smile, you could tell that she wasn't feeling as enthusiastic as you.

"Do you want to watch a movie? Or we could order some food."

"Whatever you want." She answered with a small smile on her face.

"Okay. Oh, wait, before I forget there's something I've been wanting to tell you." You said and Ryujin's heart started to pound against her chest.

Was it possible that you might feel the same and you're going to be the first to confess?

She didn't know but she was suddenly perking up a bit.

"What is it?" She asked as a look of hope filled her pretty brown eyes.

"Yuna asked me out!"

Ryujin's hope faded quickly and instead of feeling supportive or excited, she felt upset.


"I said the exact same thing when she told me she wanted to take me out for dinner tomorrow but when I found out how serious she was, I couldn't believe it!" You grinned.

"So what did you say?"

"Yes, of course. I want to go out with her, so I agreed."

"No, you don't."

Her words caught you by surprise.

What did she mean by that?

"Why would you say that? Of course I want to go out with Yuna."

"You don't. Yuna isn't your type." Ryujin said, a nervous chuckle following her words.

"Not my type? What, you think I can't land someone as pretty or funny as Yuna?"

"What? No, not at all. I just think you should go out with someone else. I mean, Yuna is young and she hasn't had much experience with dating and as your friend, I'm just trying to look out for you."

"Look out for me? It doesn't feel like you're trying to look out for me. It feels like you don't want me to go out with Yuna. I thought you'd be happy for me and supportive."

"Well, what do you want me to say, Y/N?" She snapped. "I'm trying to rationalize inside that I do need to be supportive of you! I should be happy for you because Yuna is amazing but..."

"But?" You asked, staring at her as you waited for her to finish.

"But I don't want you to go out with her!"

"Why not?"

"Because I want you to go out with me! Okay? I like you! God, Yuna knows that I like you and she asked you out? I don't understand-" She paused as it all clicked. "Wait, did Yuna ask you out? For real?"


Ryujin's jaw dropped.

"Well, she said she would if you didn't like me. She let it slip when we were talking the other day at your dorm."

Ryujin groaned as she hung her head.

"Wow, did you ever get jealous!" You chuckled as you poked her sides.

"I am not jealous," Ryujin said.

"Yes, you are." You said before biting your lip, holding back a smile. "But it's alright. Because I think it's kinda hot."

"Oh? You do?"

"Yeah." You said as you stared deeply into her eyes. "I was hoping you'd say that you like me. I told Yuna I'd be saying that she asked me out, even though she didn't, just because I wanted you to tell me how you feel."

"Well... it worked, I guess," Ryujin said as she inched her hand closer to yours.

"Yeah, I guess it did."

Ryujin smiled a little as she continued to stare into your eyes.

"So, you think me being jealous is kinda hot?"

"Oh, yeah." You answered. "I think you're always pretty hot but something about seeing you jealous like before. You were clenching your jaw and looking at me with that look in your eyes and I nearly lost it."

Her heart was pounding against her chest as she started to lean in.

"I can kiss you, right? Please tell me I can."

"You better." You said before she put her lips on yours, giving you a sweet kiss.

You were a little surprised that it was so soft and romantic when she seemed so desperate to kiss you.

You thought the kiss was going to be deep and passionate but, truthfully, you weren't upset to find out that you were wrong when her lips felt so warm and so perfect on yours.

It was also the first kiss you've ever shared together so it was understandable that she wanted it to be sweet rather than feverish.

You liked it.

"I'm crazy about you." She said as she pulled away from the kiss, cupping your cheeks as her warm breath fanned against your lips.

"I'm crazy about you too." You said as you gazed into her eyes.

"So, if I asked you to be my girlfriend you'd say yes?"

"I think you'd be out of your mind if you thought for even a second that I'd say no." You teased as you pecked her lips. "Yes, Ryujin."

She smiled as she kissed you again, pulling you closer this time as your lips continued to move against hers.

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