practice (requested)

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"Thank you for this." You told Ryujin as you sipped on the cold drink she picked up for you on her way over to your place, just a few short moments ago.

"No problem at all." She smiled at you as she flipped through the pages of her script, sipping on her own drink on occasion. "Are you nervous about tomorrow? Filming begins."

"Sorta." You said.

"Me too." She confessed as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "I've always loved acting so this is a dream come true for me. I'm so excited but I'm a little nervous. I don't want to mess anything up."

"You'll do great. I'm sure of that."

"Thanks. You will too." She said as you started to read through your lines.

Tomorrow is a big day. It's when you and Ryujin begin filming together.

You met a few weeks ago as you got the news that you landed the roles as the main stars of the film.

She's playing your love interest in the movie and you can't deny the way your heart skipped a beat the moment you found that out.

You've gotten close since then. You've developed a great friendship, as well as feelings for each other, although neither of you has confessed that just yet.

"I have an idea! To ease both our minds, why don't we practice the script?"

"Okay. That actually sounds like a good idea."

She grinned and started to read off some of her lines, her eyes locked with yours as she did so.

She's got most of it memorized and she found out that you do as well, as you didn't have to glance down at your script even once as you went over your lines together.

But a few minutes later, you reached the one part that you're feeling nervous about.

"And this is the scene where we... kiss for the first time," Ryujin said as she stared down at the script on her lap, clearing her throat before looking back up at you. "Should we practice that too?"

You bit your lip and shrugged your shoulders. Even though she hasn't known you for more than a month or so, she knows you well enough now to tell when something isn't right.

"This is the part you're nervous about, isn't it?"


"We should prepare for it though... right?" She asked as her heart pounded over the thought of kissing you, hoping you'd say yes.

You nodded and put the script down on the table.

You've got the lines leading up to the kiss memorized. It's just the kiss with Ryujin that you're feeling nervous about.

She put hers aside as well and scooted closer to you.

Cupping your cheek, she watched as you looked away from her gaze.

"Hey," she chuckled and brushed her thumb across your cheek. "Don't worry about it. It's just a kiss."

"I know. I'm sorry."

She shook her head and continued to stare into your eyes with her bright ones.

"Don't be. Just focus on me. We know each other well. We trust each other, right?"


"Okay. Then don't be nervous. It's okay." She assured with a big smile before she started to lean in.

Your breath hitched and your heart began to pound as her lips got closer and closer to yours.

"Close your eyes." She whispered. "Relax, y/n. It's just a kiss. It's only me. Everything's okay."

You closed your eyes, your mind starting to wander as you began to overthink the thought of her lips brushing against yours, wondering if she would think it was good enough.

But, when her lips touched yours, your thoughts all faded away just like that.

It only took a couple of short seconds for you to completely melt against her. You basked in the taste of her lips and the way they moved against yours.

She brushed her thumbs across your skin as your lips moved in sync, your entire stomach full of butterflies as she kept her lips on yours much longer than what her character would in the film.

But slowly, she pulled away. She needed to get some air into her lungs and knew you needed to do the same.

"There. How was that? Still feeling nervous?" She asked and you shrugged as your cheeks stayed red, your eyes on anything but hers. "Come on, look at me."

She put her fingers beneath your chin and tilted it up so you'd look back at her when you lowered your head.

"There we go." She whispered happily. "You shouldn't be so nervous. You're a wonderful kisser, y/n."


"Oh, absolutely. One of the best kisses I've ever had."

Your smile grew bigger and brighter and the sight made her heart race.

"So," she paused and bit her lip. "Are we done practicing the script or should we do it some more?"

Your breath hitched as you caught on to what she was implying.

She was just looking for an excuse to feel your lips back on hers again.

"More." You said and she immediately began to lean in again.

"I was hoping you'd say that." She whispered before her lips hit yours again.

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