you're embarrassed about your laugh (requested)

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You were curled up with Ryujin on the sofa with your head resting on her chest.

She's playing with your hair and, if she's being honest, is watching you more than she's watching the movie that you turned on.

She's not all that into it but it's clear that you are since you've barely turned your gaze away from the screen since the movie started a little while ago.

So she's just watching you with a bright smile as she plays with your hair and lays soft, sweet kisses on your head on occasion.

As a funny scene came on, you burst out laughing, letting the infectious sound come from your chest as you threw your head back against Ryujin's chest.

She giggled at the sound and the sight, thinking your reaction was just precious.

You continued to laugh for another minute or so as the funny scene continued and you were almost in tears as it moved on to another scene.

And as you looked back at the screen and calmed down from the sudden fit of laughter that you went into, you suddenly felt a little self-conscious.

You know your laugh is loud.

You've even heard some people describe it as annoying.

Sometimes, it makes you feel insecure.

Ryujin hadn't joined in on the laughter with you and for some reason, you just felt embarrassed about laughing so hard and so much.

So as the movie progressed, despite her not being that into it, she did find herself laughing along during a couple of scenes.

They were scenes that you would've found funny for sure.

But you stayed quiet in her embrace.

You bit the inside of your cheek and fought the urge to laugh, preferring to just stay quiet instead.

And that was worrying for Ryujin.

She reached for the remote and hit pause, causing you to turn your head and look at her.

"Are you not enjoying the movie anymore, baby?"

"I am." You answered.

"You're not laughing. I thought for sure that you would be laughing." She spoke.

You just shrugged your shoulders in response.

A sigh left her lips and she held you a little tighter as she kissed your temple.

"What is it, baby? You seem down."

"Do you hate my laugh?" You wondered.

"What?" She gasped at the question and her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Why would you ever ask me that? Of course I don't."

"I do." You quietly spoke. "It's so loud and annoying. So obnoxious."

She shook her head as she rubbed your arms comfortingly.

"It is not. It's precious. I love it."

"You do?"

"Of course, baby. Every time I hear it, it brings the biggest smile to my face. It's so infectious and so joyful. I can tell when you laugh that you genuinely enjoy whatever it is that's making you laugh. I see so much happiness in it and I love the sound so much. It makes me so happy."

Her words brought a smile to your face.

A lot of your insecurities faded away in that moment because you care about what she thinks more than you do what anyone else thinks.

If she loves it, that's all that matters to you.

"Where would you ever get the idea from that I don't?"

"I don't know. I just thought back to the times when I laughed that hard and people in my life such as family members and friends would tell me that I was too loud and annoying."

"Well, they are so wrong. They don't appreciate you enough. Who could ever complain when it means that you're happy? I love the sound so much. It brings me a lot of joy. So don't ever think differently, okay?"

"Okay." You said as she leaned in, giving you a loving kiss.

"Even during my worst times and my darkest moments, you and your sweet laugh can bring a smile to my face. You're my whole world and I will always want to hear that precious laugh of yours. So let it out, okay? Don't hold back."

"Okay, I will. I promise."

She hit play and the movie continued.

And this time, when more funny scenes came on, your laughter filled the room.

And Ryujin thought to herself that, perhaps, this movie isn't all that bad after all.

If it means getting to hear your laugh and see you so happy, maybe it's the best one she's seen in a long time.

She'd have to remember to pick it for the next movie night you have.

If it means she gets to hear that laugh of yours that she adores so much, she'd watch it repeatedly.

Ryujin Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now