you're the sixth member of ITZY & she gets jealous (requested)

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"I'm so excited to see TWICE's new video. It's going to be so good!" Lia excitedly said as you all prepared to watch the group's newest video.

You're all sitting around the sofa in the dorms, you sitting between Yuna and your girlfriend Ryujin.

"Let's start," Yeji said and hit play before the video started.

Even though you're close with all the girls of TWICE, one member caught your eye in particular before you joined JYP and met them.

And the same member continues to drive you wild to this day.

"Oh my god, look at Jihyo!" You gasped.

"She looks so good!" Yuna said and you quickly nodded in agreement.

And as you and Yuna continued to fangirl over how good Jihyo looked, Ryujin was looking at you from the corner of her eye, unimpressed.

"She looks amazing, oh god," You groaned. "My heart."

"She's so hot," Yuna spoke and you both giggled, realizing just how whipped you both were for Jihyo.

Ryujin slid up to the edge of the sofa and leaned over to whisper in Chaeryeong's ear before they suddenly got up and switched spots.

"Ryujin?" You spoke and watched your girlfriend fold her arms over her chest, looking anywhere but at you. "Ryujin, baby, why'd you switch spots?"

"Look, Y/N, Jihyo is on the screen again!" Yuna exclaimed as she tapped your arm.

"She looks amazing!" You said and bit your lip, watching Jihyo on the screen.

"Oh, Ryujin's jealous," Yeji teased as she watched her friend clench her jaw.

"What? Ryujin, is that true?" You asked as you turned to look at your girl. "Chaeryeong, switch spots with me."

Chaeryeong sighed as she got up and changed spots once more, this time with you sitting down beside Ryujin.

"Darling, are you jealous?"

"No." She lied as Yuna gasped as Jihyo appeared on the screen once more.

"Yes, you are. I can tell." You said as you poked her cheek. "Don't be jealous."

"Do you ever freak out over me that way?" She asked.

"Are you kidding? Always! You're the hottest girl in the world. I swear, you only get hotter every day."

"It's true," Yuna confirmed. "She does."

Ryujin chuckled as she ran her fingers across your back.

"Don't be jealous just because I like Jihyo. She's beautiful but you're even more beautiful and I love you."

"I love you too." She said and pulled you in for a passionate kiss as the girls got up and left the room to give you some space.

A few days went by and you and the girls were attending an awards show.

Of course, ITZY wasn't the only kpop group that was in attendance for this show but TWICE was too.

Yuna's eyes quickly landed on Jihyo and she gasped before tugging at your dress slightly to get your attention.

"Look who's here, Y/N! Doesn't Jihyo look incredible?"

"Yes, as always." You said as Jihyo caught you and Yuna staring.

She grinned and waved at you both, which you and Yuna happily did in return.

Jihyo said something to Mina before she got up from her seat and made her way to you and Yuna.

And just as she appeared in front of you, Ryujin turned her head to notice her.

"Hi, Jihyo!" Yuna grinned.

"Hi, girls. Just wanted to come over and wish you all the best of luck tonight for your nominations!"

"Thank you!" You smiled as you grew mesmerized by her inexpressible beauty. "You look amazing tonight, Jihyo,"

"Thank you!" Jihyo smiled brightly.

Ryujin clenched her jaw and came up behind you before pulling you into her arms.

"Ryujin, hi!"

"Hi," Ryujin replied unenthusiastically, making Jihyo's smile fall. "You do look pretty tonight, Jihyo, but just so you know Y/N is taken. So don't try anything. She's all mine."

"Oh, I can tell." Jihyo giggled. "You look adorable together."


Ryujin rolled her eyes over your enthusiastic reply.

"Well, I gotta get back to the girls before the show starts. Best of luck to you all!"

"Thanks, Jihyo!" Yeji said cheerfully.

You turned around and folded your arms over your chest as you gazed at Ryujin.

"What did I tell you yesterday?"

"Oh, sorry, but it's impossible for me to not get jealous when you're drooling over Jihyo."

"I told you - Jihyo is beautiful, I like her, but I love you."

She sighed as you put your hands on her hips and pulled her close.

"You're beautiful, Ryujin. My heart belongs to you. Even when I fangirl over Jihyo, you've got no reason to be jealous because I'm all yours."

"Yeah?" She smiled a little.

"Yeah. Don't be jealous or possessive over me, okay? Because you're the one I'm in love with and I don't want anyone else but you."

"Okay, I'll try." She said and kissed your lips softly. "I'm in love with you too. That's the only reason I get so jealous. I only want you to see me."

"You're all I see, baby. I promise." You spoke and kissed her lips once more. "I'm all yours, forever."

"Forever." She promised as she set her forehead on yours. "Okay. Come on, let's take our seats, my love."

You all took your seats with Ryujin sitting down beside you, her hand wrapped tightly in yours while you rested your head on her shoulder, hoping that everyone knew you were hers - and proudly so.

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