kissing on stage (requested)

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"Are you all having fun so far tonight?" Ryujin spoke into her mic, a sweet and joyous laugh falling from her lips when she heard the excited screams from fans in response.

"You're all so loud tonight!" Lia grinned. "The show is far from over though. We still have a lot of time to perform for you all!"

"But we actually have a special guest for this next song," Yeji said before they all looked at Ryujin.

"Ryu, do you want to tell everyone about this very special guest?" Chaeryeong asked.

"You all know my girlfriend, y/n, right?" She asked and the screams in response were even louder than before.

"That's a yes?" Yuna joked.

"Well, then I'm sure you've all heard her new album right? Not to brag but all those beautiful and lovely love songs on there? They're about me."

She humbly but happily bragged, causing the girls to laugh.

"And I consider myself to be very lucky. Her songs always make me swoon. They make me so happy. One thing we've talked about and have dreamt about is performing one of those songs together on stage someday."

The fans were catching on now.

"And we decided to do that tonight."

A few seconds later, you appeared on stage, making your way out from behind the curtains to the spot where your sweet girlfriend impatiently and excitedly awaited for you.

You shared a quick hug and she kissed your forehead before you hugged the girls quickly and then waved to the fans in the crowd who were cheering so loudly for you.

"Are you ready?" Yuna asked, the fans cheering loudly again.

The plan was for you all to sing one of your newest songs together and it looked like that was still happening, although you, obviously, remained closest to Ryujin as you performed.

This particular love song you wrote for Ryujin that you're performing together tonight is more of a ballad and, unsurprisingly, it's one of the most loved songs by your fans.

It warmed your heart that as you sang together, the fans sang along with you, knowing every word like the back of their hand.

You and Ryujin swayed together and held onto each other as you sang, staying as close and as cozy to each other as you could be.

For the last minute or so, the girls decided to let it be just you and Ryujin singing together, and they watched in adoration.

The love you have for each other isn't something you're very public about.

You often support each other publicly, no doubt about that.

Every comeback you both have, you excitedly talk about it through live streams, interviews, social media posts, and any other way possible.

But you're not very affectionate publicly. You prefer to keep it behind closed doors. You're just not big on PDA.

It all feels so much more special when your kisses and loving words are exchanged without thousands of eyes on you.

But tonight, that was changing, and it made the girls so happy to see as they get to witness sweet moments between you all the time.

Now the rest of the world was too.

Once the song ended, you took a bow together and blew some kisses to the fans.

"Thank you for having me tonight and for supporting me and my relationship with Ryujin! Love you all so much!" You said and the fans screamed.

You hugged the girls before kissing Ryujin's cheek softly.

But she shook her head, letting you know that wasn't enough.

You closed your eyes as her lips hit yours, pulling you in for a sweet kiss.

You were surprised but your heart melted and you didn't hesitate to kiss her back, despite the thousands of eyes on you.

Fans were capturing the moment, phones out to record every second of the loving kiss.

"I love you." She spoke against your lips, lost in you and the kiss you were sharing.

You were so caught up in each other that it almost felt like you were the only ones to exist.

However, that wasn't the case, and the girls were quick to remind you of that.

"Lovebirds!" Lia joked as she tapped your shoulder, making you pull away from the kiss with Ryujin. "You're in front of thousands of people."

You looked out at the crowd then at Ryujin with a giggle.

You pecked her lips a few times before giving her a quick but warm hug.

"Love you lots. I'll be waiting backstage for you."

"I look forward to seeing you after the show. I love you more." She smiled and watched you walk backstage, swearing that she was the luckiest person in the world to have you.

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