you won't take off her hoodie (requested)

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Feeling a shiver run down your spine from the chill you felt, you rolled over in bed to curl up closer to Ryujin for warmth and comfort.

However, you realized she wasn't in bed beside you when you felt the empty sheets against your palm.

You slowly opened your tired eyes and groaned when the golden rays of the sun hit them.

It meant that morning had arrived, much to your dismay.

As a yawn escaped from your lips, you sat up against the pillows with the intention of looking around the room for your girl.

But the blanket slipped off of your shoulders and a shiver returned and rushed down your shoulder blades and to your spine.

You wanted to know where your girl was so you decided, instead of curling up under the blankets again, you'd do something a little better.

You got up, pushing the blankets off of your feet, and got up to go to the closet.

You didn't bother looking through your clothes, knowing they wouldn't bring you the same comfort that Ryujin's does.

You browsed through her sweaters and hoodies instead, taking your time to search for your favorites of all of them.

And when you felt the fabric of your favorite hoodie of hers against your fingers, you immediately pulled it off the hanger and brought it over your head.

As soon as you had it on and closed your eyes to breathe in her sweet smell that lingered on the fabric, you felt her hands fall to your hips instead.

You jumped, a startled gasp escaping your lips, making Ryujin chuckle.


You breathed out a soft sigh when she moved her hands from your hips so she could wrap her arms around you instead.

"I was wondering where you were. I thought when I opened my eyes this morning, you'd still be holding on to me."

"Sorry. I went to see what we could do about breakfast, so we could enjoy something together for the first time in a while. When I left, you were sound asleep. I thought you would still be sleeping when I returned."

"Well, you were wrong." You joked as you turned around to face her.

You put your arms around her neck and she pecked your lips lovingly.

When you pulled away, you watched as she bit her lip and looked you up and down.

"What?" You chuckled.

"I was going to wear that." She said but you just shrugged your shoulders.

"Too bad, so sad. Find something else to wear, I'm not taking this off."

"But it's my favorite." She whined.

"It's my favorite too!" You giggled. "Which is why I'm not taking it off. I beat you to it. Go find another hoodie to wear."

She rolled her eyes before letting you go so she could grab a different hoodie.

After pulling it over her head, she returned to you and stood in front of you once more.

You saw a sparkle in her brown eyes, a sweet smile tugging at her lips as she gazed at you.

"Baby, it's so hard to be upset with you for stealing my hoodie when you look so good in it."

You couldn't help but giggle as she brushed her lips against your jaw, giving you a few sweet and loving kisses.

"This is my favorite hoodie and yet, you look better in it than me."

"You're lying." You said and shook your head as she shook hers.

"Nope. I mean it with my whole heart." She grinned and kissed your neck lovingly. "You're just so beautiful."

"Thank you, baby."

A soft sigh fell from your lips over how lovely it felt as she brushed hers against your neck, making your heart swell with happiness.


"Yeah." You smiled.

"Let's go share a nice breakfast together, my love." She said and unwrapped her arms from around you, taking your hand instead.

"Sounds wonderful." You said and walked out of the room, her eyes on you every step of the way.

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