you and your daughter visit Ryujin backstage (requested)

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"Here we go, honey. Can you see well?" You asked as you picked Olivia up in your arms and set her on your hip.

"Yeah," She said as she looked at the stage in front of her.

In just a few minutes, you two will finally be reunited with Ryujin for the first time in almost two months and it almost feels too good to be true.

Before you and Ryujin got married a few years back and then had Olivia shortly after, her leaving to go on tour was hard enough.

The distance and time zones were never easy on either of you and you always counted down the days until she was back by your side.

But then she proposed.

And you got married just a few months later.

And then, just soon after that, you began to start trying to have a family.

And, well, the rest is history.

Even years later, the distance is still very hard for you because Ryujin is the love of your life.

When she's far away, sometimes you worry and she works so hard and travels so much that sometimes she calls to say goodnight when it's the middle of the afternoon for you.

But you always manage to push through because you know each day that goes by is one day closer to her coming home.

However, your young daughter doesn't understand it like that.

She only sees that her mom isn't around for so long at a time and her normal for a while is chatting with her over the phone or Facetime.

Even though she's young, you and Ryujin have both tried to explain to her that Ryujin is an idol; someone who sings and dances and lives out her dreams for the world to see.

She's, of course, very fascinated by all the things that come along with Ryujin being an idol such as watching her perform on big stages and seeing so many people call out her name.

But she doesn't always seem to understand that sometimes, Ryujin can't always be around.

Ryujin has, of course, always put being a mother to Olivia and your wife first.

But when she goes on tour, when she's far away, Olivia still gets confused as to why it sometimes can be weeks before she's back in her mom's arms and gets to see her face to face again.

But tonight, that all changes.

You decided to come and surprise Ryujin after being apart for so long and as excited as you feel, you know that Olivia will be even happier.

You watched her look around in awe and you spoke to her for a few minutes as you tried to protect her from the fans that recognized the two of you and would snap photos to post them online.

But after a few minutes, the lights went down and the fans screamed as you put some earplugs in Olivia's ears to protect her a little from the loud music.

The girls appeared on stage and started to perform loco.

Everyone was cheering and the girls were already having the time of their lives as they sang and danced.

But eventually during the song, they moved across the stage to go and say hi to some fans and get a little closer to them.

Ryujin wasn't the first to know that you and Olivia were here since she went to the opposite end of the stage.

The first one to notice was actually Yeji.

She finished singing her lines and began to wave at the fans in the first few rows when her gaze suddenly landed on you and Olivia.

Ryujin Imagines (gxg)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora