the girls find out that you're dating (requested)

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You excitedly rushed down the hall from your room and to the front door to answer it, thinking that your girlfriend has finally finished practicing and has arrived for your date night together.

You brushed a lock of hair behind your ear before answering the door, expecting to find only Ryujin standing there with some takeout in her hands.

That was your plan for tonight.

After she finished practice, she'd come over to your place and you'd share some food and some kisses until she had no choice but to go back to the dorm so she could get a few hours of sleep before doing more tomorrow.

But you were shocked to find that she wasn't alone.

The girls were all standing there at the door, as well.

"Oh. Hi, girls!" You said as you tried to hide the slight sadness you felt about not being able to spend some one-on-one time with Ryujin as you originally planned.

"Hi, Y/N!" Yuna happily greeted.

"Ryujin said she was coming by to see you tonight. We weren't invited?" Yeji pouted a little and you chuckled before shaking your head.

"Of course you are. Come on in."

The girls all came in, Ryujin being the last to do so.

"I'm sorry. I was worried that if I told them it was going to be just us again, they'd catch on." She whispered in your ear and after making sure none of the girls were looking, she gave you a quick kiss on your cheek.

You understood why they were all here now.

You and Ryujin are trying to keep your relationship a secret.

You've been dating for a couple of months now but you haven't told the girls yet. You've known them all for so long and you just want to see how things play out between the two of you for a little while longer.

She's managed to give a few excuses as to why they couldn't tag along when she planned to come over before and they've bought it. But you understand her worry about why she thinks the girls might catch on if she keeps giving them excuses.

"I understand. It's no big deal. I know a way we can get a few minutes alone." You said with a smirk and Ryujin was instantly curious as to what that was.

"Oh, yeah? How so?"

You cleared your throat, catching the girls' attention.

"Will you excuse us for a moment? I need to talk to Ryujin about something personal."

"Oh. Is everything okay, Y/N?" Lia asked, almost concerned.

"Yeah. It's fine. I just want to talk to Ryujin about it alone. It's personal."

They all nodded before you started to walk down the hall with Ryujin following behind you.

"I can't believe that actually worked." She chuckled as she closed your bedroom door.

Right away, unable to wait another second, you put your lips on hers and pulled her in for a passionate kiss.

She breathed out a soft sigh before putting her arms around you.

So caught up in the kiss, you both completely forgot to turn the lock on your bedroom door, and instead melted into each other as you gently pushed her onto your bed, hovering over her.

Her hands instantly began to travel across your body, fingers brushing across your skin as she slipped them under your shirt and then brushed them across your thighs and your knees since you just had a pair of cozy shorts on.

"I'm so crazy about you." You spoke against her lips, causing her to smile into the next kiss.

"You know I feel the same about you, darling." She said before rolling you over, now hovering over you on your comfortable bed.

You pulled her closer and your heart fluttered as she pulled her lips away from yours.

You knew what was coming next. You knew those sweet, soft lips of hers were going to brush against your jaw and then your neck.

And you tried to remind yourself that you'd have to tell her not to leave any marks on your skin as she kisses it because the last thing you want is for the girls to see them and find out about your relationship.

But you didn't get the chance.

Because you both were taken by surprise as your bedroom door opened and you saw Chaeryeong standing there.

"Y/N? Ryujin? Yeji wanted me to ask you if you were about ready for us to get some food-"

She paused and her jaw dropped upon seeing Ryujin hovering over you.

"Chaer, please don't say anything," Ryujin started to say, but she was too late.

"Were you just kissing!?" She asked, in shock yet also excitement and pure joy.

The smile on her face was huge and the sparkle in her eyes was precious as it was all because she had caught you both and realized what was going on between you two.

But the three of you went wide-eyed upon hearing footsteps approaching your room.

"Oops," Chaeryeong spoke, looking as guilty as she felt.

"Did we just hear what we think we heard?" Yuna asked as she looked into your bedroom, both you and Ryujin sitting up in bed now.

"You were kissing?" Yeji excitedly asked.

"No! I didn't say that," Chaeryeong said with a nervous chuckle, trying to take back what she said in the midst of her excitement in hopes that she could help you and Ryujin keep your relationship a secret.

"Yes." Ryujin interrupted.

"Yeah, we were kissing." You said as you put your head on Ryujin's shoulder.

"We've been together for almost three months. That's nothing abnormal for a couple who are absolutely crazy about each other, right?" Ryujin grinned as everyone but Chaeryeong went wide-eyed.

"You're serious? You're dating?" Lia gasped, a bright smile tugging at her lips.

"Yeah. We are." You grinned as Ryujin took your hand.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Yeji asked.

"We just wanted to see how things played out for a few months without anyone else knowing. But someone ruined that!" Ryujin teased as everyone looked at Chaeryeong.

"I couldn't help it. I was so happy!"

You all laughed before the girls rushed to you and pulled you into a big group hug.

"We're happy for you," Lia said.

"But we're ruining your date night, right?" Yuna asked.

"Just a little." You said and they all pulled away.

"Well, girls, why don't we go get some food and let these cute lovebirds enjoy a date night together?" Yeji smiled and the girls happily agreed.

"Bye, cuties. See you later." Chaeryeong grinned as she and the girls left your house a moment later, closing the door behind them.

"Cat's out of the bag now, I guess." You said and Ryujin just smiled before kissing your lips.

"At least we don't have to hide our feelings for each other from our friends anymore." She said as she held you tight, feeling thankful for you and her amazing friends.

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