when you faint on a rollercoaster (requested)

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"Baby, look!" Ryujin excitedly said as she repeatedly tapped your arm.

You had been looking around the crowded carnival, a little amazed with how many interesting games there were while you breathed in the smell of the delicious foods and treats all around.

You were trying to ignore looking at all of the rollercoasters since unless it's the swings or the teacups, you're not interested in them.

But you looked to where Ryujin was gazing and your jaw dropped a little over the fast and high rollercoaster near you.

"That looks so fun!" She said. "Doesn't it?"

"Uh," You paused, a little speechless and a little afraid just looking at it. "Sure."

"Will you go on it with me?"

That was the last thing that you wanted.

The thought of being on that ride scared the life out of you.

But when you looked at her and saw that hopeful and excited gaze in her eyes, saying no seemed impossible.

"Yeah." You agreed and she cheered before grabbing your hand and rushing to get in line for the next ride.

You felt your heart hammering against your chest as the ride came to an end and everyone that was on got off.

The gate opened and everyone, including you and Ryujin, was let inside.

At this point, your heart was pounding against your chest even more intensely than before.

As you took your seat beside Ryujin, a guy came around and made sure that you were secure before grabbing the bar and pushing it in before doing the same with everyone else in front and behind you.

"This is going to be great!" Ryujin squealed. "I can't wait! Don't you just love rollercoasters?" She asked you.


Not at all.

But, for her, you just nodded and forced a big smile onto your face before the button was pushed and you began to move.

You took a deep breath and tried to calm yourself as your mind filled with anxious thoughts.

The rollercoaster started to go up and the closer you got to the top, the more terrified you became of going down.

You started to feel anxious as you held onto the bar in front of you for dear life.

Everyone let out excited shrieks as you all reached the top and as soon as you started to rush down, you felt faint and dizzy.

And before you knew it, your head went forward as you passed out.

"Isn't this great, baby!?" Ryujin yelled as she kept her hands up in the air, feeling the wind rush over her skin as the rollercoaster went faster than ever before, taking twists and turns every few seconds.

But after a few seconds with no response from you, she looked over and saw that you had fainted.

"Oh my god! Y/N? Y/N! Baby, wake up!" She said as she lifted your head and started to gently shake you. "Open your eyes! Babe, come on, you're scaring me."

The rollercoaster started to come to a stop, slowing down as you went back into the dark tunnel where you went in and out.

Everyone started to get off a few seconds later while Ryujin worked on waking you up.

"Open those pretty eyes for me, my love. Come on, you're okay."

You opened your eyes slowly and looked around in confusion as you noticed people staring at you.

"Do you think I should call a medic?" One of the workers asked as he helped you and Ryujin unbuckle your seatbelts and get off of the ride.

Your legs were shaking so Ryujin had to get out first and help you, as did one of the workers just to be safe.

"No, I think she'll be alright," Ryujin said.

"Here, sit down for a second." The worker spoke as Ryujin helped you sit on the cement.

"How's that, sweet girl? Feeling okay?" Ryujin worriedly asked as she brushed her fingers across your arm in comfort.

"I'm okay." You said. "I don't feel faint anymore."

"What made you pass out in the first place? Are you feeling sick?" Ryujin asked as she leaned in to kiss your temple softly.

"No. I panicked." You said. "The truth is... I hate rollercoasters. I hate them with a passion."

"Then why did you get on this one?" Ryujin scoffed. "If you're that afraid, you should've told me!"

"You looked so excited. I didn't want to say  no."

She sighed as she gazed into your eyes softly.

"I would've been fine if you chose not to go. If you would've told me that you were so scared, I would've never asked you to go on. We could've gone to play games or go on the teacups!"

"I like the teacups much more, honestly."

You laughed together as she took your hands into hers.

"Please don't ever put yourself through fear and anxiety just to try and please me. I don't ever want you to do that again. Okay, sweet girl? Promise me?"

"I promise." You said. "I'd be more than happy to never get on another rollercoaster for as long as I live."

She giggled and helped you stand up.

"Me too." She said before pecking your lips softly. "How about some cotton candy?"

"I'd love that!" You excitedly said and walked away from the rollercoaster, as far as you could get.

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